The moccassin is worn far too long

Supposing you were I
And accepted everything in resignation.
Bowing to all wishes because of being discovered.
I worked on your spirit to do my bidding
Like the river's rush of overflowing banks.
That is the way I feel
Since the so-called encounter.
The ongoing contact unsettling.
In reality we are not trading places
We are who we are.

I am a native of this beautiful land, Canada
The acknowledge must be understood.
My children read of your heroes, not mine
Do you not think?
It is about time we compromised.

The aboriginal is a trademark in other lands
And promoting their own interest
And the world looking on, trying to understand.
Let us trade places, my side you consider.
We may teach others who do not see
Opening the eyes against the bias.

We educate, we practice, we tell.

I should know, I have worn your moccassin too long.
Today I wear mine, my world in Education
Please listen, listen to my song.

Jan 19, 1999
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