Historical Sketches of the
Swan River Valley

The purpose of "Historical Sketches of the Swan River Valley" is to let you know about a Valley that over 15,000 people call home. The Swan River Valley is made up of many towns scattered over a great distance. Swan River is the central town of the Valley with a population of approximately 4,700. Swan River is located 5 hours north-west of Winnipeg, the capital city of Manitoba, Canada.

This Web site takes an interesting journey through the lives of many people and ventures in the Swan River Valley. The history of the Swan River area can date back to 1700 with the fur trade. We will look at the first permanent settlement of people in this area that is recognized to have been around 1897-1898. You'll learn of the many "firsts" in this Valley such as the first settlers, farms, hospitals, businesses and many more excting pursuits of the talented and inventive people first to plant their roots in this beautiful place. Many things will surprise you. You perhaps even may find some relatives of yours from way back. Did you know there was a Prisoner-of-War camp in the Valley? Have you heard about the first Missions projects? How did these early farmers break up the land? These questions and many more will be answered as you're taken through the wonderful experiences of the early years. These early people came from all around the world.

Interesting tales were woven as this country was built up and you will learn about stories of the fish haul, creameries, early mills, schools, beef rings, the railroad and lumber companies. This is just a glimpse of what can be found in Historical Sketches of the Swan River Valley.

The material for this project originated from the book "Lasting Impressions". This book was a compilation of various interviews and stories told over the years. The co-authors and editors of the book are Ed Dobbyn and Gwen Palmer, both of the Swan Valley. "Lasting Impressions" was published by the Swan Valley Historical Society and its first printing was in 1984. Hope you enjoy learning about the history of this Valley and how its grown over the years.

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