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Welcome to the On the Rising Tide: The Fortunes of the Cummingers of Sherbrooke Virtual Tour. We hope you enjoy your visit.

How to use this site:

Visiting the Four Virtual Tour Buildings: When you enter the virtual tour site, you can visit each of the four buildings included in the tour by either clicking on the respective link for each building located at the top of the page or by clicking on the actual building on the sitemap. The colored buildings on the map are the only ones included in the virtual tour. Once you choose the building you wish to tour a new window opens about that building. To enter the building, you can either click on the outside of the building or the respective link. This will lead you inside the building.

Moving from Room to Room and Viewing Artifacts: Once inside the building you have the choice of which room to visit either by following the links or by actually moving around the building. When touring a room, there may be certain areas or artifacts that become outlined in red. If the red outline is around a door, this indicates you can move to the next room by simply clicking on the doorway. If it is an artifact that is outlined in red, this indicates that there is more in-depth information about this object that you can view by simply clicking on the artifact. There are also links to the artifacts that you can use. To get back to the room you simply click on the back link to that specific room.

Scroll Buttons: When you enter a room, you can virtually tour the room by using the scroll buttons that appear on the bottom left corner of the room. When you click on the left arrow, you view the room counterclockwise, when you click on the right arrow, you view the room clockwise. At any time you can stop the tour by clicking on the pause button. The magnifying glass with the plus sign allows you to zoom in, the magnifying glass with the minus sign allows you to zoom out. By clicking on the first arrow on the scroll bar, you can minimize the scroll bar.

Visiting Another Building on the Virtual Tour: Once you are finished touring a building, you can visit another one by simply clicking on the building link at the top of the page or by following the links back to the sitemap.

Thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoyed your stay. If you have any questions or comments about the Virtual Tour or Sherbrooke Village please contact us. To view this webpage correctly you need one of the following web browsers:
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
Netscape Communicator Netscape Communicator
Mozilla Mozilla
You will also need the Java Runtime Environment to view all panoramas on these pages. Your web browser should give you the option to download the Java Plugin the first time you view a panorama. The Java Runtime Environment can be downloaded from
Sun Java Sun Java Runtime Environment