Queen's University at Kingston

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Day 9 - Forces

Learn what makes a plane fly and the forces that act upon a plane:

The Role of Forces on a Plane


An explanation of flight and forces coupled with illustrations and animations. Download Macromedia Shockwave to view animations (optional).

The Four Forces


Lift, drag, thrust, and weight are defined and illustrated.

The Flight Platform


A lesson on understanding and appreciating the role forces play in flight. Learn about Bernoulli's principle.

Aeronautics Related Activities, Experiments and Lesson Plans


Learn about flying and the principles of flying through these lessons, experiments and activities.

  1. Learn and use appropriate vocabulary: weight vs. lift, thrust vs. drag.
  1. Draw a plane and label which force goes where.
  2. Write in their own words, what makes a plane fly.
  3. Write in their daily log.
  4. Make a poster about "How airplanes fly" to display in hall for other classes and parents to see.
  5. Revisit original web and list of questions and make any additions or revisions necessary.
  1. Test on forces.

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