Queen's University at Kingston

Digital Collections

Digital Collections

Display Projects

In this project, you will be communicating ideas and information to other people in a graphic form. You will be researching a topic and sharing this information on a bulletin board or in a display.

1. Decide on a topic

2. Assess present knowledge
_____ I already know a lot about this topic, but I could learn more.
_____ I already know a little about this topic.
_____ I don't know very much about this topic.

3. Research

Keep records of your sources of information, so you will have all the facts you need to complete an accurate bibliography and to recheck sources if needed.

I have completed research using these sources of information:




4. Select information

Select the information you think is most important. Put an * next to the facts and concepts you think are most important.

5. Decide on presentation

Brainstorm a list of several different ways that this information could be presented. The ideas you list should show variety and be graphic in nature. Your goal is to create an attention-getting display.

Consider using some of these techniques:

  • Graphs, maps, short summaries, pictures or illustrations, charts or models.

6. Prepare objects for display.

Collect or make all of the things that you will be putting in your display. Remember that every item should present an idea or fact about your topic. Make everything big, bold, and colourful. Clearly label everything so people can tell what it is.

7. Prepare display surfaces.

Choose a suitable background or make a backdrop.

8. Mount objects on display surface. Make sure your finished display:

  • has main headlines or titles that are visible from a distance
  • has a variety of things for people to look at, read, or do
  • creates interest in the topic

9. Present your project

10. Evaluation

What do you think is the best thing about this presentation?

What do you think could be improved?

11. Application

What information in this display is most likely to change in the next ten years? What effects will this have?

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