Queen's University at Kingston

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LESSON 3.1. Landscape and Culture


Read "Airplane" (Find it on www.schoolnet.ca/collections/cape_dorset/index1.html )

Answer the following:

  1. Where is Cape Dorset? Who lives there?
  2. What was the storyteller's reaction to seeing the plane?
  3. Would your reaction have been different? Why?

Compare the storyteller's experience with the first time you saw an airplane. Think of some modern technology that is common today but was a wonderful new thing when you were young. Imagine that it is now 80 years in the future. Write a letter to your grandchildren that tells them about seeing some 'technological marvels' (such as a microwave or V.C.R.) for the first time. If you wish, get creative and mention how they evolved over the next 8 decades.

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