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1. Jesuit Father Stéphane Valiquette served as rector of the college from 1969 to 1970.

2. In 1970, St. Boniface College became a lay corporation with Roger Saint-Denis, from the University of Ottawa, as the first lay rector. He died suddenly in 1974.

3. Paul Ruest, a 1969 graduate, becames the first lay rector from Manitoba in 1981. He led the college until 1985 and again from 1986 to the present.

Official Opening October 24, 1974

1- Bishop Antoine Hacault expresses his joy at the official opening of the Institut pédagogique.

2- Ed Schreyer, the Premier of Manitoba from June 1969 to October 1977, standing to the right of the commemorative plaque, is proud to be a part of the official opening of the Institut pédagogique.

3- Premier Ed Schreyer is pleased to be a guest at the official opening of Institut pédagogique on October 24, 1974.

Origène Fillion

Origène Fillion, director of the Institut pédagogique from 1972 to 1980, meets with two students in his office.

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