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Terms   D - F

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  • DADO Panelling, usually wood, that is applied to the lower portion of a wall, above a baseboard.

  • DEMI-BASTION In military architecture, a bastion composed of only two angled faces.

  • DENTIL A small, tooth-like square block, used in a row as a decorative feature in a cornice.

  • DORMER A window that projects from a sloping roof, with a small roof of its own.

  • DOVETAIL A joint of two interlocking blocks that flare outwards in the shape of the tail of a dove.

  • DOWLES Pins of wood or iron used at the edges of boards in laying floors, to avoid the appearance of the nails on the surface.

  • DRESSED Of stone cut square on all sides and smoothed on the face.

  • DRIP MOULDING A projecting moulding that is shaped to allow rainwater to drip off its edge, away from the wall below it.

  • DRUM A cylindrical masonry component that forms one unit of a column; also a cylindrical stage below a dome.

  • EAVE The projecting edge of a roof.

  • ECHINUS A convex projecting moulding near the top of a capital.

  • EDWARDIAN STYLE The generous large-form Classical Revival style that was commonly used in buildings of the 1900 to 1920's.

  • ENGAGED Of a column or pilaster: attached to a wall.

  • ENTABLATURE The horizontal component, usually decorated, that lies directly above the column or other support; in classical architecture, the entablature is composed of an architrave, a frieze and a cornice.

  • FASCIA A plain horizontal band (i.e. a vertical surface), as in a board below an eave.

  • FINIAL An ornamental projection at the top of a gable, roof, or other high component.

  • FLÈCHE A slender spire atop a tower; French for 'arrow'.

  • FLUTES Vertical grooves on the shaft of a column or other support.

  • FLYING BUTTRESS An arch or half-arch that transfers the thrust of a vault or roof from an upper part of a wall to a lower support.

  • FRAME The structural skeleton of a building; as an adjective, referring to timber structure.

  • FRIEZE The middle portion of an entablature, or any decorated horizontal band.

  • FRONTISPIECE The central portion of the main facade.
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Last updated 31 August 1998.
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