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  • POTEAUX ET PIECE COULISSANTE A construction consisted of logs or posts driven into the ground, rather than being placed horizontally. The vertical logs are spaced fairly closely and the spaces are filled with chinking.

  • PROSTYLE Characterized by free-standing columns that stand forward from a wall (contrasted with columns in antis).

  • PROTECTED HERITAGE PROPERTY Protected under section (13)2 of the Heritage Conservation Act. Scheduled property within a heritage conservation area. designated under Section 907.

  • PURLIN In timber roof construction, a secondary hori-zontal component parallel to the ridge and supported at each end by a rafter.

  • QUATREFOIL A decorative form characterized by four lobes.

  • QUEEN ANNE STYLE Refers to the period in English architecture, 1792-1814, but is often applied to red-brick houses of 1660-1720. In the 19th century, the term was revived to describe the red-brick and slate construction in domestic architecture. And in the late 19th century the style was adopted for schools in Canada.

  • QUOIN One of a series of blocks or block-like components at the corner of a wall; in a masonry wall, its function is to reinforce the corner.

  • RAFTER In timber roof construction, a principal sloping component that runs from the wall plate to the ridge.

  • RAVELIN In military architecture, a freestanding triangular outwork.

  • RETABLE In a church, a decorative wall treatment or screen behind the altar; also called a reredos.

  • RETICULATED Patterned, often in a net-like design.

  • REVEAL The surface of a window or door opening; its width is usually the thickness of the wall.

  • RIDGE The apex of a roof, usually horizontal; or the structural component at the top of a roof.

  • ROUNDEL A circular panel or decorative component.

  • RUSTICATION Rough-surfaced or heavily textured stonework.
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Last updated 31 August 1998.
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