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St. Marys Church - Deadmans Creek

Table of Contents
St. Mary's Church is located in the interior of British Columbia on the Skeetchestn Reserve. The church was built in 1909 by Oblate missionaries and the Skeetchestn Band. Stained glass windows and the tower are the most dominant features of this church. Major renovations to the interior and exterior of the church have taken place in the 1990's. The church is still used by the community for religious and other social events.
Inset Map St. Marys Church - Deadmans Creek, Skeetchestn Reserve B.C.
Site Facts
Social History
Architectural Description
Historical Site Overview
Restoration Project
Perspective sketches Perspective Sketches
Elevations Elevations Sections Sections
Plans Plans Details Details
Site Map
Skeetchestn Indian Band
PO Box 178. Savona, B.C., V0K 2J0
Tel: (250) 373-2493 - Fax: (250) 373-2494

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
This digital collection was produced under contract to the Canada's Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada.
Produced by Canada's Digital Collections Team.
Content provided by BC Heritage Trust and Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.
 SchoolNet Digital Collections Program