Calreton University


Architectural Associates Revisions

Photograph looking north, 1957
Carleton University Library, Special Collections and Archives

Conceptual plans upon which Carleton University's campus have grown were formed and developed in the fall and early winter of 1954. The following year was then dedicated to reviewing the concept prior to making it public in March 1956. One local newspaper account announcing the proposed campus described it as "an ornament to any city". An accompanying photograph of the model was described as "how the architects see Carleton College 75 years hence or sooner, if we are lucky" (Ottawa Citizen, 8 March 1956; p.21).

If any changes were made to the concept presented in 1954, they are not recorded. No known additions or revisions were made to the long-range scheme until the late 1950's. At that time several precinct studies were done by the Architectural Associates for Carleton University to extend and refine conceptual information not delineated precisely in their December 1954 document. These precinct schemes continued until 1962 when a single, overall proposed campus plan was issued to incorporate new program developments. Also, at that time the University was beginning to use staff to prepare master plans for its construction or landscape work.

Other proposed campus plans prepared during this period, and labelled as "master plans", include short-range schemes not as extensive as the previously approved plan.

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