Calreton University


Visions of the Future Campus - continued

These surrounding features form a visual expanse to this site not normally found in an urban setting. And today, as forty years ago, these features greatly "increase the natural beauty which characterizes the site proper" (Architectural Associates for Carleton College,[Nov. and also Dec., 1954].

While the campus has not been as well planned as the many architects and planners would have liked, few would argue that the current site detracts from the 1948-50 National Capital Plan. While there may be additional opportunities for beautification and improvement of the campus as a part of the City of Ottawa, few would argue that those entrusted with Carleton's destiny had not made many wise choices when selecting and developing the site.

Site map, 1992.
Carleton University Graphic Services.

Aerial photo enlargement of the Carleton campus, 1991.
Library: Special Collections and Archives.

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