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An interview with Bill Kadachuk
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  • What exactly is an EDO?   "An EDO is a person dedicated, experienced and qualified to providing or finding the services necessary to increasing individual or community growth, through the economic development initiatives and goals of the community being served".

  • How would you describe a typical day at work?  "Hectic!   An EDO's work day is usually anything but typical.  In most cases, you are faced with finishing the previous day's work, then there are phone calls or visits from individuals seeking assistance, clients wanting to update their projects or business plans, assisting clients with applications to other funding sources, managing internal loan, equity or youth programs, coordinating workshops or training programs, meetings with departmental staff, conducting research, planning, etc.  Every day holds something new and challenging, trouble is - there isn't enough time to do it all!"

  • What is the most rewarding part of your job?  "The most rewarding part of my job is seeing the sense of accomplishment and pride in someone's face when they've successfully completed their plan, acquired the necessary funding and opened their own business, or someone who has completed a training program relevant to their private business goals or career objectives."