Explore New France...

Explore New France...
Sonda Mutch
Explore New France...
Tony Rose
Explore New France...
Chris Weaver
Wulf head
Christopher Wood

Christopher Wood
Web Designer/ Shockwave Developer
Website: http://www.total.net/~wulfen/portfolio/

Chris Weaver
Web Developer/Researcher
Chris Weaver researched and composed most of the written portions for the site. He also added his own touch via JavaScript.

Tony Rose
Web & Shockwave Developer
Website: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/tonster

Sonda Mutch
Team Coordinator/ Graphic Designer/ Web Developer/ Flash
Website: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/vmutch

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Western Valley Development Authority | Canada's Digital Collections
This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.