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Ontario's Watershed

Rouge River

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Benefits of Rouge River Rehabilitation


The Rouge River Headwater Initiative provides a host of environmental and social benefits.

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Efforts to enhance the headwater streams have led to an overall improvement to the system from an ecological standpoint. The channels are naturalized and diversity has increased in the riparian community, leading to improvements in water quality and stream morphology and thus better habitat for fish and insect species. This is particularly important for such species as brook trout, migratory rainbow trout and redside dace, as well as the return of other extirpated species. Enhancing the quality of the headwater tributaries of the Rouge River also implies that the quality of the river itself will be improved.

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From a social perspective, the headwaters project serves to heighten community awareness and involvement through such things as interpretative signs and volunteer events and provides educational opportunities by means of classroom presentation and demonstrations. This project is also beneficial in terms of cultural, aesthetic and natural values and serves to promote partnerships in stream rehabilitation and ecological restoration.

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Finally, benefits can be derived from the project in terms of the applicability to other water systems. For example, the information collected, designed attributes and technology resulting from this project may be applied to other watersheds within the Metro Toronto AOC or other AOC's where riparian habitat degradation limits productivity and diversity.