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 topped.jpg (12910 bytes)  topping2.jpg (15788 bytes)  Reduced Height

Reduced height refers to topping, pollarding, or similar damage caused by wind storms, snow, or vandalism. Topping (Figure 1), or any maintenance practices that result in removing a large portion of the crown, may weaken tissues from the trunk to the roots. The loss of parts of the live crown can be expected to be followed by dying-back of the root system (and vice versa). Topping also stimulates excessive sprouting. Sprouts are poorly attached to the main branch. As sprouts increase in size, they may become hazardous. Topping is often done to reduce conflicts between the tree's crown and utilities. In many cases though, topping may exacerbate conflicts between a tree and utilities (Shigo, 1989).

Dramatic reduction of the crown volume results also in large stubs that are points for disease and pest entrance and the development of epicormic shoots.   

Toping.jpg (52323 bytes)
Figure 1





Tree ProblemsClick to go to next pageUnbalanced Crown