

Ray Ahenakew

Ray AhenakewRay Ahenakew has emerged as one of the leading spokes people for Saskatchewan's and Canada's First Nations business community. As Chief Executive Officer of the Meadow Lake Tribal Council, he has played a key role in establishing a group of successful enterprises and joint ventures. MLTC is the political, program and service and corporate organization of the nine Meadow Lake Tribal Councils.

His experience in both the public and private sectors has placed him in high demand by Indian and non-Indian governments. Under his guidance, MLTC has embarked on an ambitious 20 year economic development plan that includes interests in forestry, distribution, petroleum, mining and environmental management.

Mr. Ahenakew has served as a Co-chair of a National Labour Training Market Board, a director of Peace Hills Trust, and as President of the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies. Mr. Ahenakew also serves as Chairman of the NorSask Forest Products Inc.

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Uranium Institute Symposium Abstract

Saskatchewan Indian Hockey Championship

Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council

Meadow Lake Nucwaste Repository

International Business Plan Targets Aboriginal Exporters


MLTC Annual Report

Control of local sawmill granted to tribal council

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