

Sterling Brass

Sterling BrassSterling Brass is a member of the Key First Nation but now resides on the Keeseekoose First Nation with his wife of 38 years, Edna. Sterling and Edna have five children. Sterling received his education at the Gordons Residential School that involved him in many sports, especially rodeo, in which his family all partook an interest.

Sterling is presently the Executive Director of the Saulteaux Healing and Wellness Centre situated on the Cote First Nation. Prior to the Healing and Wellness Centre, Brass has held positions with the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations as FSIN Vice-Chief and as District Representative for Yorkton. Brass served his band as Chief and Band Councillor and worked as a sub-foreman and as a relocations officer for the Department of Indian Affairs. Sterling BrassSterling is actively involved with the Provincial Environmental and Resources Management and Chairs the Aboriginal Trappers Federation. He is a past board member of the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Center (College) Board and was influential in the establishment of the Wanuskewin Heritage Park Site.

During his work experience he has met Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Jean Cretien, and Premier Roy Romanow.

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Sterling Brass - 4th Vice-Chief, F.S.I.N.

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