

Kennetch Charlette

Kennetch Charlette: Profile

Reprinted with permission from
Eagle Feather News - February 2000 - pg.17

Kennetch CharletteKennetch Charlette is from Sandy Bay, Saskatchewan and is a member of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation. Kennetch has been involved in the performing arts for the past 14 yeras. Kennetch studied at the Native Theatre School in Toronto and the Royal Conservatory's Drama Program at the University of Toronto. He has worked as an actor and director with many renowned theatre companies throughout North America and abroad. You may recognize Kennetch from some of his film and television credits such as Big Bear, Dear America, 'A' The Scarlet Letter, Pochahontas: The Legend, A Lucky Shot filmed at Waskesui which is to be released in the new year, Sci-Factor and most recently, 'Prairie Berry Pie' where he plays David, a Native storyteller. Kennetch's involvement in Native theatre has given him a greater understanding of the responsibility Native artists have in sharing the many stories and experiences of our people through dramatization. Kennetch has had the opportunity of working with many gifted Native playwrites, directors and actors including the likes of Thomson Highway, Graham Green, Gary Farmer, Floyd Favel, Tantoo Cardinal, Gordon Tootoosis, and Gil Cardinal. Individuals like these and others have made a positive impact on his life. One play in particular that reinforced the importance of cultural identity was Black Elk Speaks. A play that told the story of Black Elk, a Sioux Spiritual Leader and his vision for the Native peoples of North America. Kennetch believes that theater can be used as a tool for healing and is a vehicle to educate others.

Although Kennetch received his formal training in Toronto he has now brought his experiences as an actor and director home to Saskatchewan to assist in the establishment of a Native theatre company in Saskatchewan. "I believe the spirit and identity of Native people lies in the beliefs, traditions, and ceremonies of our ancestors. This knowledge and wisdom of our Elders must be passed on to our youth, and we can use theatre as a tool." Charlette will continue with his efforts as the Artistic Director of the SNTC to expose native theatre to native and non-native people within Saskatchewan.

Enter to read an article that appeared in the Saskatchewan Sage about Kennetch Charlette's acting career : Sandy Bay actor lights up Toronto theatre scene

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Native American Actors / American Indian Actors H to L

Kennetch Charlette

Big Bear : Rain or shine, the show must go on

Drunks bring out the truth--One of Native Earth's best--By John Coulbourn--Toronto Sun

Meet the Company of Cruel Tears

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