

Roland Crowe
Roland CroweRoland Crowe, born in 1943 as a member of the Piapot First Nation, resides in Regina with his wife Brenda and family. Currently Roland farms, works for the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, and serves as a Senator of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN).

Over the course of his life Roland has been involved in a variety of occupations ranging from applied work to diplomatic fields. His employment experience includes several years farming, construction, guard at the Provincial Correctional Centre and political office. His career in public life began in the 1960's when he accepted the wishes of his people to provide leadership for the Piapot First Nation. Roland spent two years as Councillor and six years as Chief. In the 1980's Roland Crowe committed himself to work in the interests of all Saskatchewan First Nation peoples. He served for four years as Vice-Chief of the FSIN. Thereafter, Roland was elected as Chief of the FSIN for two terms over eight years. More recently he dedicated himself to his farming operation and then in 1997 was elected as Chief of his own Band, the Piapot First Nation.

During his service to the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, Roland Crowe made numerous significant accomplishments which directly benefitted the First Nation peoples of Saskatchewan. As Vice-Chief of the FSIN, he dedicated himself to improve housing conditions for our people. This included 1000 low-income housing units in urban centres through the creation of off-reserve housing corporations. He also played a key role in the development of new training and employment strategies, including the creation of Local Indian Management Boards; all of which secured approximately $18 million in new funding for First Nations people in the Saskatchewan region.

As Chief of the FSIN Roland forged important new protocols and intergovernmental arrangements. He spearheaded the historic 1992 Treaty Land Entitlement Agreement which resulted in the addition of 1.6 million acres to our First Nations' land base and involved over $550 million for First Nations to carry out their land acquisitions. As well, Roland Crowe's term as FSIN Chief resulted in the completion of a "Hunting-Fishing-Trapping-Gathering" Act of the FSIN, which was an important step in the application of First Nations' Treaty rights, jurisdiction and management in the area of wildlife resources. One of his last achievements as Chief of the FSIN was the development of a foundational agreement with the Province on Gaming. The model which Chief Crowe negotiated in 1991-92 translated to over 1100 jobs for First Nations people in the Gaming industry and resulted in major wealth creation for First Nations totaling tens of millions of dollars.

Roland Crowe demonstrates one of the finest aspects of our culture, which is to care and share. His long service and tireless efforts have resulted in major, positive benefits for his people and for the First Nations of Saskatchewan and Canada. His contributions will have a lasting impact on the lives of his people for generations to come.

Links: (click on X in top right corner of outside link to return to photo gallery)

The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations

Chief Roland Crowe

Making History: Casino Development Agreement Signed

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