

Stan Cuthand
Stan CuthandStan Cuthand is from the Little Pine Reserve in the Battleford District, where he attended the day school and then went on the the Prince Albert Collegiate Institute. He graduated from Emmanuel College, Saskatoon, in the spring of 1944 with a LTh. (BTh) degree. He was posted at Stanley Mission for the summer and wintered in Lac La Ronge. He travelled by canoe in summer and dog teams in winter to Stanley, Sucker River, Pelican Narrows and Deschambault Lake. He lived and worked with trappers and fishermen, both Indian and non-Indian. He laboured faithfully to reach the communities in all kinds of weather.

Stan continued his ministry at Sandy Lake in Saskatchewan and on the Blood Reserve in Alberta. He served on various committees and organized youth groups, such as Scouts, wherever he was stationed. He ended his work at Punnichy in 1969, having taught Cree and culture at the Gordon's student residence for two years.

Stan was subsequently transferred to Saskatoon to become a Regional Liaison Officer with the Community Development Program of the Department of Indian and Northern Development. He served as District Superintendant of Community Affairs for two years and was transferred to the Regional Office in Regina.

In 1975, Stan accepted an offer from the Department of Northern Studies at the University of Manitoba, to serve as acting Department Head. He interrupted his university program to go to South America in 1979-81. He studied Spanish in Guatemala, and worked with the Quechua Indians in the provinces of Napo and Pastaza, Ecuador, as Director of Oriente Episcopal Church Programs. He retired in 1983 and moved to Saskatoon to be with the rest of his family. He resumed his university teaching career for the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College and in 1985 retired but was hired to help develop a curriculum for Indian Health services at the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies for one year.

Stan is currently working for the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre as a writer and translator in the Curriculum Department and Research Department.

In community work, Stan was a member of the following organizations:

Arts courses approval Committee, University of Manitoba. 1978-79.
Program Committee; Museum of Man and Nature, Winnipeg. 1977-79.
Friendship Centre Board; Winnipeg. 1978-79.
National Indian Council, The Anglican Church of Canada. 1975-79.
Hosted CBC Radio program "North Country Fair". 1971-72.

Professional work:

Stan was consultant to the Blue Quills Language Program 1971-72. The books published are used in Provincial Schools in Alberta. Stan is a basic translator for the Bible Society in Plains Cree. Other dialects use the translations for their revisions. When there is a need for a storyteller, Stan's services are available. He has been asked to speak at conferences on a wide range of topics. Stan was asked to attend Ecumenical conferences in New Zealand and Cuba. He is a writer and researcher of Western History, with an Indian perspective.

Links: (click on X in top right corner of outside link to return to photo gallery)

Pihtikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker's Escape)

Mistahi-Muskwa (Big Bear)

Nehiyaw Atayokewina, Cree Legends: Stories of Wisakecahk

The Story of Paspasces

Poundmaker's Surrender


Indian and Metis Education

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