
Robert Jerome

Robert Jerome, Carver

Reprinted with permission from
Eagle Feather News - March 2000

Robert JeromeRobert is a Treaty Indian from Northern Saskatchewan. His antler carvings are very well known across the north and have been added to collections locally, nationally, and as far afield as the United States and Singapore. It was Roberts art work that appeared on the cover of the Eagle Feather News last month. While Robert works primarily with antlers, he also employes alabaster and the local Wapawekka pipestone in many of his pieces.

In addition to his connection with the north, Robert spent much of his youth in southern Saskatchewan and Alberta. Robert is the child of a professional artist and was raised in an environment rich with artistic exposure and Aboriginal cultural traditions.

"As a person with deep respect for the land and my culture, I try to project that pride through my artwork. When I first decided to pursue my dream as an artist, I may not have been fully aware of all the obstacles ahead of me. After having been involved in the art world for a few years and finding myself struggling but surviving, I realize there is potential for me to make a comfortable living and still do the work I love.

My work has been well received and many are interested in my choice of material. I find moose antler to be an excellent natural medium. As a native person, I feel natural materials such as antler and stone best enable me to express myself artistically. The moose has provided for our people for generations in their struggle for survival, just as it is providing for me now.

Moose naturally shed their antlers every winter and grow new ones in the spring. The many, hours I spend in the bush looking for shed antlers brings me not only the raw material for my work but also a connection to the world of nature reflected in my work. The land and environment are my inspiration."

Robert is also a successful artist of two dimensional works -- primarily pen and ink drawings. He has received many commissions including the design of a medallion for a nationally sanctioned sporting event and the preparation of Aboriginal screen print designs for clothing. Recently, The Little Gallery has announced Robert as the winner of the 1999 Peggy Kerr Memorial Award for people's choice during the Winter Festival Juried Art show for his piece "Grandfather Eagle."

For the Future, Robert is looking forward to expanding his artistic endeavors into the fields of screen printing and casting as well as continuing his successful antler carving activities.

Robert Jerome also appears on the SICC Aboriginal Arts Gallery Saskatchewan.

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