

George E. Lafond
GEOREGE E. LAFOND is currently serving his 3rd Term as the Tribal-Chief of the Saskatoon Tribal Council and is a Treaty Six Cree from the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. He has played a prominent role in Canada's political and corporate communities as a representative of the Saskatoon Tribal Council.

President of the Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business, Policy Advisor to three Federal Ministers of Indian and Northern Affairs, Senior Bank Manager with the Bank of Montreal, Secondary High School Teacher in the Saskatoon Public School Board.

In recent years, George has also been extensively involved in the not-for-profit and for-profit sector, volunteering his time and expertise to such organizations as Wanuskewin Heritage Park, United Way, Canada Post, Banff Centre for Management, Saskatchewan's Balancing Work and Family Task Force, SaskEnergy, Prairie Action Foundation.


  • Coached and organized the Muskeg Lake Men's Hockey the "Petequacay Blades" (Native Stanley Cup Champions 1998 and 2000) and Fastball Team the "Muskeg Lake A's" (Canadian "B" Division Native Championship 1996 and FSIN Provincial Treaty Championships 1992 and 1995 - going to the finals seven straight years).
  • Developed and published a photo essay book titled "Hockey Rez" (Muskeg Lake's hockey history of 50 years, 1947-1997). January 2000.
  • Participated in a video documentary called "We Remember Them" (Muskeg Lake First Nations Military Veterans' Story). November 1998.

George and Mary Ellen both pursue a career while raising Alphonsine Rose, their young daughter. Alphonsine Rose named after grandmother Alphonsine Lafond who was the first Indian women elected chief in Saskatchewan in 1960 (Lifetime Achievement Award 1999 and Saskatchewan Order of Merit in 1988.).

Links: (click on X in top right corner of outside link to return to photo gallery)

Session Keynote Speakers - George E. Lafond Tribal Vice-Chief, Saskatoon Tribal Council

Muskeg Cree Nation Credits

First Nations - Saskatachewan First Nations Listings

Community centre will serve Saskatoon's inner city

First Nations Peoples: The Human Rights Challenge for Canadians

Saskatoon Police Constables Under Investigation - Dateline:  02/17/00


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