

Christopher Ross

Profile: Christoper Ross

Reprinted with permission from
Eagle Feather News - March 1999 - pg. 19

Christopher RossChris Ross is an 19 year old student at Mount Royal Collegiate in Saskatoon. He is taking a couple of classes to finish off his Grade 12. I first read about Chris in the Saskatoon Free Press. He wrote a couple of articles for them and they did a story on his business venture. Chris is the editor and publisher of Generation X, a youth magazine devoted to covering issues and topics relevant to all youth categorized as Gen X.

Chris is a member of the Red Earth First Nation. At age 16, he launched Generation X in Fort Qu'Appelle. It was well received and when his family moved to Saskatoon he saw a big market for his product. A new area brought a new name and he published only one edition of INNER CITY YOUTH and distributed it to urban High Schools.

Since he was busy with school, grade 12 studies and point guard for the Bedford Road Redmen, he hung up his publisher hat for awhile to focus on his studies. In April of 1998, Chris was awarded with the SaskTel Aboriginal Youth Award for Innovator. He received the award for publishing his magazines.

This motivated him to start publishing full-time and in September of 1998, GENERATION X had a print run of 1500 and was distributed to the high schools in Saskatoon. The publicity poured in and Chris could be seen on CBC TV and in the local Free Press.

Fueled by the feedback, Chris put out November and December issues and is currently working on his March edition, which is slated to be, in his words, " The best issue ever."

Chris shows a lot of cunning and drive for a such a young person. He would like to be seen as a role model but as he says, "A lot of people try to peer me into things." It is no surprise that he has received a letter of recommendation from the Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, Perry Bellegarde for his drug and alcohol free lifestyle.

Future plans for Chris include attending the Saskatchewan Indian Fedrated College in Regina. he wants to enroll in journalism and continue publishing GENERATION X. He plans to distribute the paper on campuses as well. His whole goal is ti show other youth that careers in journalism and the media are available to all. So far, he has done a heck of a job breaking the way for others. I just hope that when he becomes the next Conrad Black type media mogul, he does not come around and try to crush poor little Eagle Feather News. Good luck Chris and keep up the good work.

Enter to read and view an two additional articles that appeared in Saskatchewan Sage:

Dreams come true for young publishers

Generation X - How it all started

Links: (click on X in top right corner of outside link to return to photo gallery)

GX 2000 Magazine

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