

Inez Deiter


Inez Deiter is a Plains Cree, originally from the Red Pheasant First Nation. She was born November 13, 1932. Her parents were David and Maggie Wuttunee who had 12 children. Inez is a mother, kohkom, aunt, friend and advisor to many. She is sought out by her community for her wisdom and warmth.

She attended Indian residential school in Onion Lake and in Prince Albert. When she was a young teen, she took a job as a nursing assistant in Fort San, a tuberculosis sanitorium for First Nations located in Fort Qu'Appelle. There she met her future husband Walter Deiter, a Cree from the Peepeekisis First Nation and they had six daughters.

Walter was active in First Nations politics as the Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) from 1966-1968. Inez herself, was elected to the FSIN Executive in 1970. Inez was a constant supporter and was also a reliable advisor on First Nations values.

Walter died in 1988, and to cope with her grief Inez returned to University to pursue a degree in Linguistics, which she successfully completed in 1995. She was over sixty years of age.

Her education left a strong impression on her to educate the First Nations youth about the history of their people. She became outspoken on the abuses in Indian residential schools and its legacy on her and other First Nation's parenting skills.

She is a member of the Regina Health Care Senior Citizens Board.

She is still busy these days attending band meetings, ceremonies, and First Nations gatherings across the province. Inez also loves to dance as she is a traditional Pow-wow dancer.

Her wisdom, humour, generosity, love of life and culture are her greatest legacy.

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