

Delia Opekokew
Delia Opekokew

Links: (click on X in top right corner of outside link to return to photo gallery)

Fourth Russell Tribunal: On the Rights of the Indians of the Americas

AFN Candidates for Grand Chief

Women Taking On Larger Role In Politics - Saskatchewan Indian - Summer 1998 - v28 n02 p13

Assembly of First Nations election in Canada

An Open Letter to Delia Opekokew, Murray Klippenstein and Andrew Orkin from Pierre George, pertaining to the death of my brother Dudley, concerning actions of certain people

Ipperwash Kins' Lawyer lashed out at the SIU

Fourth Russell Tribunal: On the Rights of the Indians of the Americas: By Clem Chartier, SIFC - Saskatchewan Indian - Jan/Feb 1981 - v11 n1-2 p08  

A Brief Collection of Web Sources for POLI 221: Land Claims and Self-government of Yukon First Nations - Aboriginal Law - "Treaties and Treaty Rights," by Delia Opekokew, Saskatchewan Indian, Vol. 8, No. 7(April 1984), pp14-15, 18-20.

Treaties and Treaty Rights by Delia Opekokew - Saskatchewan Indian - April 1984 - v08 n07 p14

AFN National Chief Cand. Opekokew

Constitution Commission Meets in Emergency Session - Saskatchewan Indian - January 1982 - v12 n01 p34

British Court of Appeal Dismisses IAA Case - Saskatchewan Indian - January 1982 - v12 n01 p36

Turtle Island Native Network News - A National Crime--Residential Schools Abuse - Government and Churches Accused of Deliberate Delays: by Tehaliwaskenhas - Bob Kennedy - July 22, 1999 Vancouver, British Columbia

Province Tightlipped on Indian Clash: Protester's Family Baffled by Stand - By Rudy Platiel, Native Affairs Reporter, The Globe and Mail

Carnival Chosen as Operator of Casino RamaTM Resort

Justice system tested : By Paul Barnsley - Windspeaker Staff Writer - Kettle and Stoney Point Reserve, Ont.

SICC Catalogue - The First Nations: Indian Government and the Canadian Confedration by Delia Opekokew

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