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8 The second generation grow up, 1947

Facts - Lebanon Independence  

When I first came to Prince Edward Island so many years ago, I never dreamed I would still be here 45 years later. I have grown to love this place, my store, and my customers so much.

I have experienced many good and bad times on this island. I had to learn a new language, adjust to a completely different way of life, and spend many years selling goods in the cold weather I never imagined could exist before I left Lebanon.

I have lived through two world wars, struggled to make ends meet for many years after taking over my father-in-law's store shortly before the Great Depression, and it took a long time for both my country and city customers to fully accept someone different from them. My oldest son Joseph was killed in the war a few years ago and both my parents recently passed away in Lebanon.

But there have also been many happy times. I am happy the Canadian government lifted the ban on Lebanese immigration after the war ended and I am happy my parents lived to see their country finally become independent after so many centuries of foreign occupation. I am happy to see my customers, many of whom have become friends, gather at my store.

Most of all, I am happy to have such a wonderful family. Soon it will be time for me to retire and pass the store on to my son Jim. He has always loved the store ever since he was very young and I know it will be in good hands.

My lifelong dream of traveling the world and running a successful business has come true. I hope to see all of my children grow up, accomplish their own dreams - and always be proud of who they are and where they came from.
