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6 From country peddler to city store owner, 1926

Facts - Shelfoon Store  

Dear Omar,

Our third son entered the world last night. I know you would have liked to be there when he was born, but hopefully he won't have to wait too much longer to meet you! I was thinking of naming this one George. What do you think?

The two older boys miss you as much as I do and ask about you everyday.  They both enjoy helping Father in the store and he really appreciated the extra help, especially since he is growing older and hasn't felt very well lately.

I think it may soon be time for him to retire and we both know you are more than capable of taking over. You will have plenty of help since Joe has now learned to read and even little James loves to weigh the food and stack the canned goods. The store will definitely be in good hands!

I'm looking forward to the day our family can finally be together again.


