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6 From country peddler to city store owner, 1928

Facts - Zakem Store
Tweel Block

Dear Mother and Father,

I have left country peddling to manage my father-in-law's store. He has become too old to handle the store alone and I am now too old to spend so much time walking alone in the country.

Even though I miss my customers in the country and the adventure of peddling, I know I've made the right decision. I can no longer earn a good living as a peddler and I needed to spend more time with my family, especially with a fourth child now on the way.

Many Lebanese families now own corner stores in the city. A few have opened stores in other Island communities, but most of us prefer to stay together here in Charlottetown. There are many stores for such a small city, but times have been good lately and there seems to be enough room for all of us.

Our store is small, but filled with almost everything people want to buy. We live above the store and it feels wonderful to no longer work outside in cold weather!

We have just bought a new radio so people can come to our store to listen to the hockey games every Saturday night. Soon, we may even be able to afford our own automobile!

Your loving son,

