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11The third generation, 1982


Hi. My name is Sara.  I’m 10 years old and I live in Charlottetown, P.E.I.  I have two older brothers and both my parents are teachers.  I like reading, writing, and visiting my grandparents in the country.  My other grandparents came from a faraway country called Lebanon and died when I was very young.

My grandparents always said Lebanon was a beautiful country, but I only see things blowing up and people getting shot when they show Lebanon on the news.  I guess they must be fighting a war there or something.

There’s even a few Lebanese kids in my class who only came to P.E.I. a few years ago.  I don’t think any of them know my grandparents were Lebanese, too.  They came here almost 100 years ago and I don’t even have a Lebanese last name.  I’m as Canadian as anyone else.

Mom sometimes teaches English to these kids and their parents after school, so I spend a lot of time at Uncle Jim’s corner store.  He’s always happy to see us and usually gives us candy, chips or bottles of pop when we’re there.  Mom and Dad don’t mind as long as we wait until after supper to eat the junk food!

Uncle Jim’s store is always busy, especially on Saturday nights.  That’s when everyone in the neigbourhood comes over to watch the hockey game on Uncle Jim’s small TV.  Mom says this has been a tradition in the store for as long as she can remember.  My grandparents owned the store back then and TV wasn’t even invented yet!

Most of all, I like listening to everyone telling stories about when my mom and uncles were young, and about my grandparents.  I wish I remembered more about them…
