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What's FJA
Francophonie jeunesse de l'Alberta (FJA) is a non-profit association founded in 1972. FJA represents the French speaking youth of Alberta from the ages of 14 to 25. Our activities promote French language and culture for youth all across the province. Eight thousand young Albertans are indirectly reached throughout the province and two thousand participate annually in regional, provincial and national activities. FJA activities include the development of Arts and Culture, Sports, Recreation and Health, and Leadership and Motivation.

The mission of Francophonie jeunesse de l'Alberta is to stimulate Alberta's French speaking youth to discover and live up to their full potential.

  • Represent Alberta's French speaking youth;

  • Promote the moral, physical, intellectual, cultural and social well-being of Alberta's French speaking youth;

  • Offer a morally stimulating environment for Alberta's French speaking youth;

  • Establish and maintain contact with the francophone community;

  • Improve the spoken French of the youth;

  • Allow Alberta's French speaking youth to complete autonomous within the association in order to promote leadership, initiative and learning in the daily lives of franco-albertans.

© 2002 Centre culturel Marie-Anne-Gaboury. (All Rights Reserved)