Canada's Flag A Search For A Country


Primary Sources (Manuscript)

Most of the letters and documents used in the preparation of this thesis are not

yet generally available to the public. The private papers of the Right Honorable

Lester B. Pearson have been collected and transferred to the Public Archives of

Canada, but have not been opened to public examination. The papers in the

custody of the Privy Council are expressly exempt from the regulations which require

the automatic transfer of documents of historical significance to the Public

Archives. In addition to these two collections of documents I have in my own

possession papers, letters, and documents which have not been published.

Because of my role in the flag question in Canada, I enjoyed the special confidence

of the prime minister and was therefore privileged to examine considerable

unused primary source material, such as Mr. Pearson's papers and the

papers in the Privy Council Office, and to draw from them such data as I considered

necessary for the preparation of this account.

Primary Sources (Printed)

In the preparation of this thesis I have made extensive use of the debates in the

Canadian House of Commons. I have also used a number of newspapers which

provided the general outline of the story and of the public attitudes towards the

Canadian flag at different periods of our history.

Debates of the House of Commons, Ottawa, 1904;1906;1910-1911;1925-1939;


Debates of the Senate, Ottawa, 1946; 1956-1958; 1960-1965.

Newspapers, including, Toronto Globe and Mail; Toronto Telegram; Montreal

Gazette; Ottawa Citizen; Ottawa Journal,' Brockville Recorder; Saint

John TelegraphJournal,' The Maple Leaf (London).

Minutes and Evidence of the meetings from 29 March to Tuesday 9 April of the

Joint Committee of the House of Commons and the Senate, appointed

to make a study of and report upon the choice of a distinctive national

flag for Canada (Ottawa, Kings's Printer, 1946).

Secondary Sources (Books and Pamphlets)

E. Achard. L'Histoire du Drapeau Canadien Montreal. 1944.

C. P. Band and E. L. Stovel. The Flag, its Origin and Meaning. Toronto,1918.

Thomas Baty. Vita! Heraldry. Edinburgh, 1962.

E. H. Baxter. National Flags. London, 1934.

L. A. Biron. Le Drapeau Canadien. Montreal, 1962.

H. G. Carr. Flags of the World. London, 1961.

Comité de Quebec. Le Drapeau National des Canadiens Français. Quebec,1904.

E. Coté. Projet du Drapeau National Distinct Pour le Canada. Montreal,1939.

B. Cumberland. The Story of the Union Jack; How It Grew and What It Is,

Particularly in Its Connection with the History of Canada. Toronto,


L. O. Evans. The Observers Book of Flags. London, 1959.

T. S. Ewart. A Flag for Canada, Principles of Design. Ottawa, 1947.

H.M.S.L. Flags of all Nations. London, 1955.

Blair Fraser. The Search for Identity. Toronto, 1967.

C. E. Holmes. Et le Nôtre? Montreal, 1944.

Sir Thomas Innes of Learney. Scots Heraldry. Edinburgh, 1956.

P. Kannick. A Handbook of Flags. London, 1958.

C. Kephart. Origin of Armorial Insignia in Europe. New York,1939.

J. G. Labarre. Non au Drapeau Canadien. Montreal, 1962.

Ligue du Drapeau National. Pour un Drapeau NationalFor a National Flag.

Quebec, n.d.

R. Mathieu. Le Système Heraldique Francais.Paris, 1946.

Victor Morin. Le Science du Blason. Montreal, 1958.

Peter Newman. The Distemper of Our Times. Toronto, 1968.

Patrick Nicholson. Vision and Indecision.1Toronto, 1968.

Notre Drapeau aux Canadien Francais. StHyacinthe,1903.

L. B. Pearson. Mike. Toronto, 1972.

L. B. Pearson. Words and Occasions. Toronto, 1970.

Sir Joseph Pope. The Flag of Canada. Ottawa, 1908.

H. C. B. Rogers. The Pageant of Heraldry. London, 1957.

C. W. ScottGiles. Boutells Heraldry. London, 1958.

G. F. G. Stanley. The Story of Canada's Flag. Toronto, 1965.

F. H. Underhill. In Search of Canadian Liberalism. Toronto, 1960.

A. R. Wagner. Heralds and Heraldry in the Middle Ages. Oxford,1939.

R. E. Wemp. Our Flag, its Origin, Symbolism, History. Toronto, 1959.

W. J. Wright. Our Flag, What it Means. Brockville,1904.

Secondary Sources (Articles in Periodicals)

A. B. Beddoe. "The Historical and Constitutional Position of Heraldry in

Canada." Heraldry in Canada (March 1969).

G. Y. Bégin. "J'ai dessiné le drapeau canadien," Petit Journal (7 fevrier 1965).

N. A. Buckingham. "Canadian Forces Ensign and Naval Jack." Heraldry in

Canada (March 1968).

C. Campbell. "The Canadian and Imperial Flags." Canadian Almanac (1894,


E. M. Chadwick. "The Canadian Flag." Canadian Almanac (1896).

E. M. Chadwick. "Heraldry in Brief," Acadiensis (1906).

R. Chartrand. "Les Drapeau des Régiments Français en Nouvelle France

1755-1763." Heraldry in Canada (September 1972).

D. Cobb. "Our Great Flag Mystery." Canadian Magazine (26 January 1974).

"The Colours of Canada." Heraldry in Canada (June 1968).

Donald Creighton et al. "Canadian National Symbols, an Appeal to Mr. Pear-

son." Canadian Forum (June 1964).

A. G. Doughty. "Le Drapeau de la Nouvelle France." Transactions of the Royal

Society of Canada (1926).

John S. Ewart. "The Canadian Flag." Canadian Magazine vol. 30, no. 1

(November 1907).

J. A. Gibson. "Flags and Arms." Canadian Encyclopedia (1960).

J. R. Matheson. "Address given at the Annual General Meeting of the Heraldry

Society of Canada." Heraldry in Canada (December 1968).

R. McKeown. "How Canada's Flag was Born." Weekend Magazine (23 January


"Nation and Flag." Saturday Night (27 October 1945).

Claude Ryan. "The Flag Dilemma." Canadian Forum (September 1964).

Canada's Flag A Search For A Country