Old Fort William Digital Collections

If you would like to have all text in the site read to you by your computer, you can download the "Speaks For Itself" speech plug-in for your browser (54Kb). Click the logo below to go to the "Speaks For Itself" plug-in download page.

Depending on your system, you may also need to install speech software and/or upgrade your computer's text-to-speech protocols. Not sure if the plug-in is working? Turn up your speakers and press the 'reload' button on your browser. If the plug-in is working properly, your computer will tell you.

Once you have the speech plug-in, you may enter the speech enhanced version of this site. Please make sure that you also have the latest Macromedia Flash plug-in installed as well. If you're not sure about this, go back to the main page. If you can see the animation on that page, you have Flash installed and working properly.

To return to the main Old Fort William Digital Collections site without downloading the speech plug-in, click here.