In the Driftwood Canyon area fossils of Eocene insects, sequia, pine needles,
oak, birch leaves, and occasional fishes have been found. On the east side of the creek are fossil beds that were discovered around the
turn of the century. Preserved within the shale are plant, animal, and insect fossils
that inhabited the area over 50 million years ago.
Dating back to the Jurassic period, these Cephalopods are few
in numbers. Fossils A and B are ammonoids, while fossil C's
identity is questionable, although it could be a hamite. |
Ammonoids Photo courtesy of www.highway16.com
Dating back to the Tertiary period, this arthropod is quite
rare. Its exact identity is unknown, although there is
speculation to whether it could be a primitive mosquito. |
Arthropod Photo courtesy of www.highway16.com
Dating back to the Jurassic period, this belemnite is few in
numbers. Belonging to the group cephalopod, this fossil is
considered to be an excellent specimen. |
Belemnite Photo courtesy of www.highway16.com
Dating back to the Triassic period, these unknown brachiopods
are numerous. There are large numbers of them in this particular
specimen. |
Brachiopods Photo courtesy of www.highway16.com
Dating back to the Jurassic period, these Bryozoans are many
in numbers. Fossils A and C are archimedes, while fossil B is a
pelecypod. |
Bryozoans Photo courtesy of www.highway16.com
Dating back to the Tertiary period, this unknown species of
plant is quite rare. |
Leaf Photo courtesy of www.highway16.com
Dating back to the Jurassic period, fossilized wood
like this one are numerous. |
Wood Photo courtesy of www.highway16.com
Early Salmonoid species. |
Eosalmon Photo courtesy of the Royal Tyrrell Museum
Early relative of the common housefly. |
Fly Photo courtesy of the Royal Tyrrell Museum
Alnus species leaf. |
 Alder Photo courtesy of the Royal British Columbia Museum [1181]
Dawn Redwood leaf. |
 Metasequoia Photo courtesy of the Royal British Columbia Museum [RBCM.EH.998.004.002 - .005]
Water Strider
Gerridae Family. |
 Waterstrider Photo courtesy of the Royal British Columbia Museum [RBCM.EH.998.004.066]