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This site was created by:

Michael Graham, Team Leader
HTML markup and design, macro photography, graphics and scanning

Erin Frith, writer
research and writing, image selection and visualization

Janet O'Neil, programmer
HTML markup, graphics and very fast data entry

and we would especially like to thank...

Deborah Burleson for proposing and spearheading the project.

Bob Ogilvie for keeping track of the project and providing support.

Brenda Roscoe for her palaeontological knowledge

Etta Moffatt for sharing her office space, computer and scanners

John Calder for sharing his slide collection

John Waldron for his good humour and help in locating resources

Everyone at the Nova Scotia Museum for providing a great work environment

SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada for providing funding for this project.

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[Nova Scotia Museum]