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Geological History
Geological Timescale Nova Scotia didn't always look like it does today. In fact, what we see now is unlike anything from the past. Over millions of years the climate, global location, environment and inhabitants of Nova Scotia have varied drastically. This is why, on the cold shores of the Atlantic Ocean, we find the fossils of plants and animals more suited to a tropical ecosystem.

Rocks in Nova Scotia hold the clues to more than one billion years of the Earth's history, showing evidence of mountain building, erosion of mountains, invasions of the sea, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, collisions of continents and the evolution of life. The landmass of the province and adjacent areas is like a giant jigsaw puzzle which geologists have tried to reconstruct. By studying the geological processes taking place today, geologists have been able to unlock the secrets of Nova Scotia's dynamic past.

Pre-Cambrian | Cambrian | Ordovician | Silurian | Devonian | Carboniferous | Permian | Triassic | Jurassic | Cretaceous | Tertiary | Quaternary

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