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Protecting the Past
Special Places Image Protection for many of Nova Scotia's natural and cultural heritage resources is provided by the Special Places Protection Act, originally passed by the Legislature in 1980. The Act covers palaeontological, archaeological, and historical sites and remains, including those under water.

You can help protect Nova Scotia's heritage resources. Spread the word about the importance of fossils. Report your finds to the Nova Scotia Museum and join the international research effort to discover the secrets of the past. Share your discoveries with others who would like to study and enjoy them.

Your efforts, combined with the work of many other Nova Scotians through the provincial Museum, will go a long way to ensure that Nova Scotia's heritage resources will still be here for our grandchildren's grandchildren to enjoy.

This part of the site is dedicated to the management side of things. We provide a few tips for collectors, give you a heads-up on safety considerations, tell you a bit about our famous tides, explain what Special Places are and let you know if you need a permit and how to get one.

Common questions about fossil hunting:

Why not finders-keepers?
Why shouldn't I remove fossils myself and give them to the Museum?
What should I do if I find a fossil?
Who can get a Heritage Permit and do an excavation?

Tips for finding Fossils

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