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Palaeontological links
Extensional Tectonics Working Group, Triassic-Jurassic Working Group at Rutgers 
Provides a brief overview of current and recent research projects and presents a list of publications (journal articles, meeting abstracts, and theses) that have resulted from this research, including a great deal on the Fundy Basin. 

Global Earth History 
A series of plate-tectonic reconstructions to show the broad patterns of Phanerozoic Earth history. 

Source Page for Pennsylvanian Research 
An aid for anyone interested in the Pennsylvanian geological system, its fossils, resources, and researchers. 

Royal Tyrell Museum 
A series of museum experiences plus a fossil encyclopedia, games and links to other fossil sites. 

The Fossil News 
Quick searches for recent information on fossils in the news media. 

The PaleoNet Pages 
PaleoNet is a system of listservers, www pages, and ftp sites designed to enhance electronic communication among paleontologists, primarily for paleontological professionals and graduate students. 

Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology and Biology 
An interesting look at the twists, turns, frauds and forgeries that make up the history of Palaeontology 

Curse of T. Rex 
Nova looks at the controversy surrounding the ownership of a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton found by commercial fossil hunters on public land. This site also contains useful resource material on palaeontology in general. 

Dinosauria On-Line 
"Dinosauria On-Line is intended to give the reader a broader exposure to dinosaur science. I've tried to bring together discussions about the topics that are hot among dinosaur enthusiasts today. This allows the reader not only to see a subject from many points of view, but allows him to see what others think about ideas and questions that the reader has wondered about but not been able to pose to knowledgeable people." 

EXTINCTIONS - Fossil News and Dino News on the Net 
A current collection of current palaeo news stories and discoveries gathered from other online sources. 

Dinosaur Valley Museum 
The Museum of Western Colorado's Palaeontology Center has many photos and descriptions of a working palaeontology lab. 

Staaliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart 
This site from Germany has an English version with a great deal of specimens and descriptions. 

Palaeontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science 
Another foreign site, this Russian site has exhibits and a virtual tour, all with a very distinct Russian flavour. 

Hooper Virtual Natural History Museum 
A very "elegant design", according to one of our web team, the Hooper museum has a wide range of fossil subjects. 

John Beck’s website about palynological studies of the Silurian Arisaig section, Nova Scotia. 

George Hrynewich’s website about Nova Scotian dinosaurs and othe fossils. 

Geological Survey of Canada-Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Bedford, Nova Scotia. 

Paleobotany Laboratory at Weston Observatory of Boston College. Info about Silurian palynology of the Arisaig section, Nova Scotia. 

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