The first capitalist to show faith in the industrial future of Fort Frances
by putting up his money and every dollar he could get from outside sources
to develop our water-power was Mr. Edward Wellington
Backus, of Minneapolis, the modern Napoleon of finance, diplomacy and astuteness.
Fourteen years ago, Mr. Backus visited Fort Frances and as he viewed the
great power of Couchiching Falls going to waste, he planned to have it harnessed
and turned to industrial use. For thirteen years he has been working away
at the project of his dreams and now we see the realization of part of what
was conceived.
Some five years ago work was commenced on the big power dam, millions of
dollars have been expended and in a short time one of the finest paper mills
on the continent will soon be completed and the product shipped to the markets
of the worlds.
Mr. Backus... cities are fighting to enlist. He is not afraid.../Like Clergue
of the "Soo" he sees great opportunities and is not afraid to
venture. This is the kind of men Fort Frances needs and when we get him
we should assist him as far as possible to build up our town.
Courtesy of the Fort Frances Museum
Married Elizabeth Horr Backus Died October 29th, 1934
Mr. Edward Wellington Backus, of Minneapolis was noted as a modern Napolean
of finance, diplomacy and astuteness. Backus was among the leaders in the
newsprint and timber industry. An empire builder he envisioned the possibilities
of power, timber and natural resources. He was the first capitalist to show
his faith in the industrial future of Fort Frances by putting up his money
and every dollar he could get from outside resources to develop water power.
In 1882 Backus began his lumbering career at the age of 21 with the Lee
and McCullock company, buying out the interest of the junior partner the
following year. The firm of Lee and Backus was succeeded in 1885 and in
1899 changed to the Backus-Brooks Company.
In 1892, with a timber cruiser, Backus walked 200 miles through deep snow
to arrive shortly after midnight at a Huddon's Bay company Post,
now Fort Frances. In the crisp clear moonlight he viewed the majestic Falls
and envisioned the future of power developments, paper mills and sawmills,
staff support in the existence of two large towns, with footpaths being
supplanted with railroads.
Mr. Backus was noted as "a man of splendid physique... he had the head
of statesman and shoulders of a gladiator. His beaming eyes denoted his
keen intellect and his retentitive memory... Or commanding appearance, he
was a man of note whether in village circles or in the financial centers
of the east... He devoted his time and energies to the development of his
industrial enterprise."
Mr. Backus, like many other financiers over-extended his activities during
the prosperous period following World War I. Suffering severe losses, his
endeavors to recoup his losses and advanced aged were factors in his death
in 1934 when he succumbed to a heart attack in New York.