Due to the request from many of our advertisers, and the readers of the
Times for a daily news and advertising service. The Times has this week
commenced the issue of a Daily Bulletin. This daily news and advertising
sheet is being devoted to to items of daily interest, the news of our merchants
and a medium for service in daily wants. Sixteen hundred copies are printed
for daily circulation. It is being distributed in every home in Fort Frances.
Eight local boys have the distribution of the Bulletin. It leaves the office
of publication at four o'clock and should be in each house and place of
business before 6 p.m. If you have not received your copy of phone 41 and
let us have your name and address, and it will be attended to.
The service is limited to homes in and adjacent to Fort Frances. There is
no charge for the Bulletin and the rates for advertising purposes are as
reasonable as can be given with a printed sheet of the quality and size,
as well as the careful editing that is required to publish a first class
Bulletin. A call to 41 will bring a solicitor to take care of your advertising
needs. Telephone us of any items of news you desire to have published. We
PRINT the news.