The Chamber of Commerce ceremonies to officially mark the commencement
of work on the five million dollar Rainy Lake causeway went off with a bang
at three o'clock yesterday afternoon- a Big Bang- literally, as well as
About 175 to 200 persons, representing communities throughout the whole
district of Rainy River- and elsewhere, as far distant as Toronto, were
on hand for the history-making occasion.
When W.G. Noden, M.P.P., pressed the button a whole side of granite island
erupted in an explosion that loosed a mass of rock ready for dumping into
the lake to form the causeway rock fill which will connect the islands.
The explosion sent some rocks hurtling skyward and a few whistling through
the air in several directions into the lake.
Bill Croome, former Rainy River resident, son of the "Tip" Croome,
one-time Rainy River M.P.P. told the Times this was just a small "symbollic
explosion, without very much explosive in it because we didn't want anyone
to get hurt. If that was a small explosion it would be much safer to be
in Fort Frances than out at the workings about six miles east of town when
the remainder of the explosions are touched off.
To get the spectators to the scene of the blast Bill Lloyd ran two trips
from the five-mile dock to the "borrow quarry" directly east and
along the Canadian National Railways with his boat the "Rainy Lake"
carrying about 40 to 50 passengers each trip. Countless smaller water crafts
were on hand also for the momentous occasion.
On the return of the five mile dock from the ceremonies the Fort Frances
Chamber of Commerce served coffee and doughnuts to all present, with the
Emperor Hotel Dining room staff catering for the occasion, with Mrs. "Bud"
Mallory in charge.
The actual epoch-making explosion was preceded with a ceremony of brief
speeches to commemorate the occasion. The setting was a CNR rock cut about
two city blocks south of the island which was about to have its top blown
The addresses were tape recorded by radio station CFOB as was the resounding
explosion. Bill Lloyd provided his electric generator so to have power there
to operate the tape recorder there.
A.H.L. Tibbetts, president, Fort Frances Chamber, who acted as master of
ceremonies, introduced other speakers and paid tribute to Mr. Noden. Chamber
past-president and other individuals and organizations who for over 30 years
or more have consistently persevered in efforts to get the highway from
Rainy River to Thunder Bay built and completed.
Paul Kimports, secretary, International Falls Chamber of Commerce brought
greetings from the U.S.A. and the Falls and commented on the immense benefit
International Falls would reap from this important highway when completed.
Art Vennes brought greetings and congratulations from the Rainy River Chamber
as did also George Grouche, mayor, and drew attention to a momentous celebration
to be held in Rainy River in a few weeks to turn the sod for the commencement
of the Rainy River-Baudette bridge.
This bridge in effect compliments the causeway and the Highway 120 project.
Ben Eyton, president of the Atikokan Chamber, accompanied by four others
from that town, expressed genuine delight in this momentous occasion and
recounted that Atikokan had at no time been lacking in either support or
initiative in the highway project.
W.G. Noden, M.P.P., paid tribute to the individuals and organizations who
have so loyally and unstintingly contributed toward the end that this causeway,
and the highway link to Atikokan and the Lakehead would one day be built.
He paid tribute to Mr. Croome, the causeway project superintendent, and
his late father for his contributions to the district as a member. Mr. Noden
paid special tribute to Hon. Leslie Frost, Premier of Ontario, for the leadership
and initiative he has given the causeway and Highway 120 project and made
reference to a recent letter from Mr. Frost in which he provided to be Mr.
Noden's "right hand man" until the causeway and highway was completed.
While yesterday's explosion was the first on the actual causeway right-of-way,
it was by no means the first work done on this causeway job, which is reported
by the Financial Post to be the third largest highway project underway in
Canada in 1958.
The start of the 90-mile road was witnessed by boatloads of spectators,
taken by the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce to the scene of the explosion
on the east shore of Rainy Lake. They'll be happy to await the highway's
completion because the beginning took almost 40 years.
For that reason, W.G. Noden, M.P.P., will treasure the hard- rock helmet
awarded him for triggering the blast.
Then the energetic legislator walked almost half a mile down the tracks
and out of sight of the gathering to keep his election promises.
He reported later that the crank of the detonator came off in his hands
once, but there was a satisfying bang. The sightseers a quarter-mile away
felt the tremor, but no rocks landed near their look-out across a bay, Mr.
Noden said that one crashed near him.
North Shore is constructing the first mile, or slightly less of the causeway
that will constitute the most extensive three miles of the entire road.
Cost of the causeway is estimated at $5,000,000.
Its blasting is a new technique employing an economical mixture of ammonia
nitrate and fuel oil set off by two sticks of 75 percent of forceite, a
form of dynamite. The explosive mixture was discovered as a result of the
Texas City disaster, Mr. Croome explained.
Some of the holes blown Wednesday were 22 feet deep, but a big "wagon
drill" is making 26 feet per hour. The engineer said the charge was
composed of five rows of holes seven feet apart, covering an area of 1,320
square feet.
The CNR, apparently not a bit dismayed by the competition the highway will
bring, is co-operating with the road-builders in many ways. Engineer Croome
said that railway crews are working closely with his crew, covering nearby
rails to avoid dynamite damage and even holding up trains, whenever necessary,
to wait for blasting. He is dependent upon the railroad and lake travel
for all supplies and equipment. Lloyd Boatlines has placed its 40-passenger
"Tuffy" at the disposal of the North Shore Company for the summer.