With such a large extent of agricultural land, as good as any on the continent,
it seems a pity that our great city dailies do not wake up to the necessity
of drawing attention to to them and thus aid in settling this part of their
own state. It is obvious that such a plan would be of inestimable value
to all concerned. The wholesale trade of St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth,
would share in the upbringing and growth of the country, and as such would
form trade centers and increase the population by adding manufacturing industries,
thus contributing to upbuild and the wealth of the state.
From Koochiching and extending 100 miles west and sixty south and east,
we have thousands of acres of beautiful land and covered in many places
with fine timber and watered by never failing springs. The soil, like the
Red River valley, is a rich black loam, extending from two to twenty feet
in depth the bottom being richer than the surface. Such soil is capable
of growing all kinds of grain and vegetables in great quantities and with
such a yield that is astonishing.
Another thing that should not be overlooked is the raising of fruit which
this district seems to be especially favoured for. For some time past our
farmers have been experimenting with in this line with the result that there
are now several orchards that are now doing well and which give great promise
for the future. In this connection would it not be a desirable feature for
our agriculture commisioners and nurserymen to form a plan whereby certain
inducements to fruit growers would be offered. This would stimulate the
raising of this important household necessity and would prove a strong drawing
card for the settlement or our vacant lands. Wild fruits such as raspberries,
gooseberries, plums and grapes grow in profusion and producing fruit in
such prolific quantities that it is no trouble to gather it. With such a
soil and such a growth there is no reason why this district should not supply
our cities with abundace of fruit and vegetables.
Some time ago we noted in these columns the progress of the beet sugar industry
ans Minneapolis and from the figures given Minnesota appeared to be in the
proper belt to produce that article with a profit. Wit our rich soil there
is no reason why Koochiching should not in the near future have a beet sugar
industry that would rival all others. We have the soil to grow the beets
and if we had the people we could produce an article that would be of immense
value to the state. With all these advantages why should we hide our light
under a bushel to the exclusion of that which goes to make up a nation?
Instead of seeing settlers from other states seeking homes in other countries
and other climates would it not be wiser to try and fill up our rich lands
and valleys with our own people and thus turn what is now a lonely wilderness
into a veritable garden of Eden?
Nature has flourished all that the most exciting could desire to us as intelligent
people has left the rest. Who will assist in promoting such a work?
To the papers and the people of our state, we ask your influence to make
known our resources and by advertising settlement and the construction of
railway lines in this district and the northern portion of Minnesota generally,
your labour will not be in vain.