Fort Frances paid tribute to the Sisters of Charity, or of Grey Nuns
on Thursday afternoon and evening for their 34 years of dedicated service
as owners, administrators and operators of LaVerendrye General Hospital,
prior to the transfer of ownership to a non-profit, charitable corporation,
the LaVerendrye General Hospital (Fort Frances) Incorporated, with and elected
board of governors.
While payment was made for the Hospital on Thursday night, the change in
administration was made at month end with Kenneth W. White. assuming the
position of Hospital Administrator and Leanne Hayes, RN, BSc, formerly of
Kenora, becoming Director of Nursing.
The Day of Recognition commenced Thursday afternoon when some 200 people
stepped into the afternoon reception in the ballroom of the Rainy Lake Hotel,
with many woundresses, administrators, and nursing personal who had served
here over the years,were present for this special occasion. The Ladies Auxiliary
of LaVerendrye were in charge of arrangements.
In the evening LaVerendrye Hospital and the Town of Fort Frances expressed
their gratitude to the Grey Nuns for their devoted service to the community
from 1941 to 1975 at a a formal dinner in the Columbus Hall. Members of
the Rainy Lake Council, Knights of Columbus, catered a delicious beef dinner.
W.J. Gange chairman of the hospital's new board of governors, served as
chairman, calling on the hospital chaplain, Fr. Beaulieu to say grace and
Mrs. Des Fleurie, president of the Ladies Auxiliary, to propose a toast
to the Queen.
The formal transfer of the hospital took place with Dr. J. Baldwin presenting
a cheque from the Ontario Ministry of Health to Mr. Gange, who passed it
on to Sister Bernadette Poirer s.g.m. provincial superior and received in
honor a symbolic key to the hospital.
Dr. Baldwin, who had participated in the negotiations leading to the change
in ownership, said he was personally honoured to be working with a remarkable
group of people. He paid tribute to the Sisters and their dedication in
providing the best health services in the community. Looking forward to
the future, Dr. Baldwin said the hospital has a distinguished past and a
most promising history. He brought greetings, as well as the cheque, from
the Premier William Davis and Health Minister Frank Miller, with their grateful
thanks to the Grey Nuns and their best wishes to the new board of governors.
"We have to come and say thank you and goodbye" Sister Poirer
said in accepting the cheque from Mr. Gange. "There is a sadness in
our lives tonight." Then, briefly, she traced the events leading to
the building of LaVerendrye Hospital in 1941 by the Grey Nuns' tasks were
over and it was time to pass the responsibility of operating the Hospital
to other hands. In doing so, the Grey Nuns were most grateful to all who
had assisted in carry on their work here.
In passing the symbolic key to Mr. Gange, Sister Poirer said "tonight
we have written the last chapter in volume one of the history of LaVerendrye
Hospital and chapter one of volume 2." Sister Richard, she pointed
out, was here for the first day, and last day of transaction which led to
the turning over of the Hospital.
Gordon McTaggart, a member of the board of Governors, paid tribute to the
Grey Nuns for being farsighted enough to see that this day was coming and
to prepare for it through the creation of advisory boards. "The Sisters
will take with them that personal touch which made which no government f
board can touch," he said, adding "We wish them well in the future
thank home for letting us help in the past."
Judge A.D. McLennan, attending a meeting of judges out-of-town, sent his
greetings in the form of a letter read by Mr. Gange, after citing the gentle
and charitable work of the Sisters. Judge McLennan extended his thanks to
them as the past member of the original advisory board appointed 25 years
"You will always be in our hearts" was the expression of gratitude
by Irene Przybylski, graduate nurse with 25 years of experience here, who
spoke on behalf of the employees.
White expressed his appreciated to the Ladies Auxiliary for the afternoon
presentation after which Mrs.Fleurie presented Sister Poirier with the guest
register. It was pointed out that 109 Sisters had arrived in Fort Frances
over the years and were now scattered all around the world.
Dr. B Johnstone., who drew a chuckle when he pointed out that his board
qualifications were that he doesn't drink, smoke, swear, complimented the
tremendous task they had accomplished here while Mayor Allen Avis said many
of us here have memories of the kindness shown to us as patients. We will
miss you, but wherever you go, to you always will have the best wishes of
the people of Fort Frances."
The surprise of the evening, especially to Sister Alice Gelinas and Sister
Cecile Richard, came when Mr. Gange presented them with trips to Rome during
Holy Year which is now being observed. Both pressed their sincere thanks.
Sister Richard, recalling the past three years as hospital administrator,
said she would always remember the kindness of the people of Fort Frances.
She paid tribute to the competence and skill of the medical staff, the spirit
and harmony and co-operation which existed with the hospital staff. Referring
to Mr. White, hospital comptroller for the past six years, she said "without
his untiring assistance, my task would have been left undone."
Thus, after 34 years of dedicated service, regretfully but sincerely, the
community and bid them good-bye.
On June 5, 1941, LaVerendrye Hospital opened its doors in Fort Frances,
dedicated to healing the sick. The Sisters or Charity, Order of the Grey
Nuns, had been approached by interested residents and organizations particularly
Dr. J.C. O'Donnell, R.H. Gilmour and Rev. Fr. Paquette and operate a hospital
in the community. With the approval of the voters, on January 27, 1941 the
Town of Fort Frances, by bylaw 1256, approved an agreement with the Grey
Nuns by which the town would provide a site, free public utilities including
local telephone service, and exempt the hospital from municipal taxes as
a consideration towards the Order building and operating the facility. thus
it was with considerable pride and satisfaction, both to the residents and
the medical profession, when a 50-bed hospital, erected at a cost of $150,000
was dedicated on June 3, 1941, and then opened on June 5, 1941.
The name "LaVerendrye Hospital" was particularly appropriate,
honouring the family which erected Fort St. Pierre, the first permanent
post at Fort Frances, and also the niece who founded in Montreal the Sisters
of Charity, Order of the Grey Nuns.
Within the first decade, it was apparent that more beds and additional facilities
were required and on December 12, 1952, the central section was added, providing
60 additional beds including 10 private rooms, 11 semi-private rooms, and
six four-bed wards. this brought the hospital's capacity up to 100 beds
and 26 bassinets.
Again in 1970 it was determined that remodeling was necessary and, for the
first time, financial assistance from the Town of Fort Frances was sought.
Since 1959, when the Ontario Hospital Commission took over operating expenses,
the privately owned and operated LaVerendrye Hospital had to provide one-third
of the costs for improvements and renovations. With voter approval, the
town contributed $160,000 and the Ontario-Minnesota Pulp and Paper Company
Limited $50,000 towards the cost of the renovations. In 1971 section also
was completely renovated. In addition, the renovations included three operating
suites, two delivery suites, a casualty treatment room, centralized sterilizing
room together with new stairways, laboratories and a fire safety system.
In December, 1970, when the hospital assumed responsibility for the community
ambulance service, the garage was renovated to accommodate the two ambulances.
Following a survey by the Joint Credit Commission of Accreditation of Hospitals
in December, 1957, LaVerendrye Hospital received its first certificate of
accredation in January, 1958, and these certificates have been renewed at
three-year intervals. This year the survey will come on June 30, when the
Sisters of Charity, Order of Grey Nuns bring their long successful, successful
association with LaVerendrye Hospital to a close.
A hospital, however, is more than facilities; it is a highly specialized
staff. During its first years, members of the Grey Nuns all qualified specialists,
worked alongside civilian registered nurses to work with the medical doctors
and patients. Realizing the need of offering training in nursing in Fort
Frances, the LaVerendrye Hospital Training Centre was opened by the Order
on September 12, 1955, with a class of 12 students, eight being certified
by the Ontario Department of Health a nursing assistants one year later.
The former J.A. Mathieu residence at 210 Armit Ave., donated as a nurses'
residence in 1942, was the first training centre, on the hospital grounds,
with a capacity of 20 students, was opened in September, 1910. when the
training centre came under the College of Nurses Act, its graduates became
registered nursing assistants. On June 6, 1975 when, when members of the
20th graduating class received their diplomas, they brought to 263 the number
of graduates, within the best in the province, have remains to carry on
their profession here.
In 1963, to alleviate the nursing shortage, LaVerendrye Hospital also held
a five-week refresher course for graduate nurses who might like to return
to the profession locally on a part-time basis.
LaVerendrye Hospital, incorporated in 1941 with its board of directors named
annually, is remembered for its many able administrators, including Sisters
Ste. Emelienne Noemie Dion, M.A. Poliquin, Marie-Jeanne Tougas, Delia Clermont,
Lucille Gosselin, Cecile Mourice, Marguerite Michaud, Alice Gelinas, and
Cecile Richard.
An Advisory board, consisting of local residents, also contributed to managment
and when the board was reorganized in June, 1958, J.A. Mathieu was named
honourary chairman and a life member while Ralph H. Gilmour and J.H. Parker
were also honoured for their services to to the hospital by being named
honourary life members.
LaVerendrye Hospital has been the beneficiary of gifts from the many individuals
and organizations, and among these, throughout the years its Ladies Auxiliary
has worked most diligently, both within the hospital and in raising funds
for much-needed equipment, in joining the others to show the community's
appreciation for its hospital.
Now, on July 1, 1975, the ownership and management of LaVerendrye Hospital
will pass from the Sisters of Charity, Order of Grey Nuns of Montreal to
LaVerendrye General Hospital (Fort Frances) Incorporated, a non-profit,
charitable organization with directors to be elected annually.
At the opening of the hospital, the Fort Frances Times said editorially
"The LaVerendrye Hospital is a welcome addition to Fort Frances and
the Sisters of Charity, Order of Grey Nuns of Montreal, who erected it,
will receive the thanks of the community; perhaps not now, but in years
to come as patient after patient passes outwards through its doors, on the
road to recovery, cleansed of bodily ills."
This has come to pass.
LaVerendrye Hospital has meant many things to many people, yet it can be
summed up briefly; an institution the best in facilities together with a
highly specialized staff, all dedicated to the care and healing of the sick,
an institution providing the best in facilities together with a highly specialized
staff, all dedicated to the care and healing of the sick, an institution
of which Fort Frances and district residents can well be proud.
This is the heritage which the Sisters of Charity, Order of Grey Nuns has
left Fort Frances and as the Sister Bernadette Poirier s.g.m., Provincial
Superior of the Grey Nuns, Winnipeg, has written:
"Out wish is for a constant growth of LaVerendrye Hospital for the
well being of all the citizens, from the cradle up.
"God's blessing be with you all."