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Feb. 29th, 1916

Mr. Reuben Laite

Dear Sir and Bro.:

The Lodge requested me for to write you and let you know how things are progressing here. We have our new hall pretty near finished, have lumber enough on hand to finish up. Had ten initiations last fall and Thomas Laite is back again with us.

Three deaths last 12 months: William Watts, Mark A. Hart, and Billy Jones, who was drowned in the North Sea. No colds. Not much strange news here, only the old thing over again. Your Father, Mother, and Blanche is just about the same. You know that they are staying in with Hubert this winter, Father says he is coming out again the first of April. The Lodge is keeping all the members that's away to the war fully paid up until their return home again. All the Brethren joins with me in sending their best wishes to you and for a safe return home if it's God's will.

Yours Fraternally,

John F. Fowlow

Srcty. St. George's Lodge No. 36