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Home Front

at War

Newfoundland Regiment





The Somme, 1916

Other Battles: 1916-1917

1918 - End of the War

Royal Naval Reserve

Forestry Corps

Volunteer Aid Detachment



A Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site Partner Project. Created under contract to Canada's Digital Collections, Industry Canada.


Soldiers in the Newfoundland Regiment went to Britain for further training before going to theatres of war. This did not occur until August 1915, when the regiment sailed for Egypt en route for Suvla Bay on the Gallipoli Peninsula, where it joined the 29th Division of the British Army. The battalion remained there until January 9, 1916, when it withdrew to Egypt for recuperation and further training under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel A. L. Hadow.

Presentation of Colours to the First Newfoundland Regiment at Stobs Camp, Scotland, June 10, 1915.
Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL VA-37-11), St. John's, Newfoundland.
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In March, still with the 29th Division, the regiment left for France, and in April took up position on the Western Front. It was to take part in the Somme offensive, which began on July 1, 1916. The regiment was decimated that day at Beaumont Hamel, but with reinforcements, continued to fight in the front line until December 9, its most successful engagement being at Gueudecourt on
October 11.

Col. Dr. Cluny Macpherson in Egypt, September 1915.
Courtesy of the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL Macpherson Collection A-24-155), St. John's, Newfoundland.
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During 1917, the regiment fought at Sailly-Saillisel, Monchy-le-Preux—where it suffered heavy casualties—the Third Battle of Ypres and at Cambrai. By April 1918, the regiment was so reduced in numbers that it had to be withdrawn temporarily from active service. However, the regiment came back to the front line in September, this time with the 9th Division, fighting from Ypres to the Scheldt until the war ended on November 11.

After service with the Army of Occupation, Newfoundlanders began to return home in the spring of 1919. On August 26, the Royal Newfoundland Regiment was disbanded.