Location: Upper James St. and Scenic Rd. on the Mountain - Ward 8

Survey Description: Concession 4, part of Lot 15, Barton Township, City of Hamilton, Plan 437, Lot 15, part of Lot 1

Size: 1.18 hectares (2.92 acres)

Features: benches, display fountain, plaza, flower beds


IMAGE This park area of almost 3 acres was once known as the Mountain View Property and was the site of the Wentworth County Hunt Club and the Mountain View Hotel. The hotel was built in 1830 and was a popular resort for many years. It was destroyed in a fire in 1879 but was replaced, and a park with a pavilion was added. Picnics, baseball games, pony rides, and a merry-go-round were popular in the area behind the hotel, while the roller-skating rink, complete with bar and music, was a popular attraction. The roller-rink, converted to a horse show ring, was destroyed in a spectacular fire, and the stone hotel was pulled down in the early 1940's.

The Southam family, who were the owners of this property, were not keen to sell the acreage. However, on December 4, 1944, they were delighted to donate it to the city of Hamilton free of charge on the understanding that it was to be used as a park. In 1948 the park was developed by the city, including the building of a boundary wall, the completion of a landscaped garden, and the planting of evergreen trees. It was reconstructed in 1970. IMAGE

The drinking fountain at the front of the park was originally located near the top of Beckett's Drive. It was moved and installed in 1956 as a memorial to Major Gordon H. Southam, who died October 18, 1916, at the Battle of the Somme, France, in World War I.

1. Clipping Files. Hamilton - Parks - Southam Park. Special Collections, HPL.
2. Corporation of the City of Hamilton, Department of Public Works and Traffic, Parks Division, Park Development Section. Parks Master Plan database, 1996.
3. Dictionary of Hamilton Biography. vol. 2, pp. 145, 146. Special Collections, HPL.
4. The Head - of - the - Lake Historical Society. Wentworth Bygones, no. 9.