1872 – North Side

36 Joseph Lyght & Co. Stationery
38 Alex Davidson Artist
  John A. Macanlay Photo
  John B. Mckenzie Printer
  K. Mckenzie Stamp and Seal Maker
40 Thomas Boya Grocer
42 Henzy Criffith Boots and Shoes
44 Wood & Leggat Hardware
46 F. Jeffreay Wholesale Cabinet
  C.A. Jones & Thompson Hardware
48 William Herman Importer of Fancy Goods
50 Thomas Lawrence & Co. Chemist
52 P.W. Dayfoot & Co. Boots and Shoes
54 Bowman & Moore Importers of Shelf, Heavy Hardware
56 J. M. Webber Carriage Hardware Merchant
58 Mrs. Jane Wills Shoes and Boots
60 John Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 John Brown Boots and Shoes
64 J.and R. Kilgour Sewing Machines
66 Murphy and Murray  
66 ½ John Bowes  
68 Jeremiah H. Hogan Clothier

1872 – South Side

17-19 W. H. Glossco &  Son’s Importers of Hats and Fur
21 Harvey, Stuart & Co. Importers of Groceries
23 Buntin, Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationery
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
27 James A. Skinner & Co. China Glass
29 James Walker Wholesale Wools and Fancy Goods
31 D. Murphy & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocery
33 Thomas Saunders & Co. China Glass
35 Gregory & Young Insurance Agency
35 R. Jewell Dunstan & Co.  
35 Vacant  
  McInnes’ Block  

1873 – North Side

36-38 Lyght Joseph & Co. Stationery
38 Robert W. Adams Barrister and Attorney
  Crerar & Mills  
  John Spohn Photographer
40 Huggard Joseph Print
42 Black Charles & Co. Hardware
44 Wood & Leggat Hardware Merchant
46 Watson & Thompson Cabinet Hardware
48` Herman William Importer of Fancy Goods
50 Lawrence Thomas & Co. Chemist
52 P.W. Dayfoot & Co. Boots and Shoes
54 Bowman & Moore Importers of Hardware
56 John M. Webber Carriage Hardware
58 James Reveridge Boots and Shoes
60 John Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 John Brown Boots and Shoes
64 I. & R. Kilgour  
66 Murphy & Murray  
66 ½ M. Hess  
  Loaffler Charles Portrait Painter
68 Jermiah H. Hogan Clothier

1873 – South Side

17-19 W.H. Glassco & Sons Importers of Hats and Furs
21 Harvey Stuart & Co.  
23 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationery
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Drugs
27 James A. Skinner & Co. Crockery, China Glass
29 James Walker Wool and Fancy Goods Wholesale
31 D. Murphy & Co. Grocer
33 Thomas Saunders & Co.  
35 Gregory & Young Insurance Agents
  Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company’s Office
  G.H. Further  
  Hamilton Provident and Load Society  

1874 – North Side

36 J. Lyght Bookseller
38 Cnerar & Muir Barrister
  T. P. Eigiano  
  A. Mckenzie Photo
40 P. D. Bates Fruits
  J. J. Philips Saloon
42 C. Black & Co. Hardware
46 Watson & Thompson Cabinet Hardware
48 William Herman Fancy Goods, Notary
50 J. & R. Lawrence & Co. Druggist
52 P. W. Dayfoot & Co. Boots and Shoes
54 Bowman & Moore Hardware
56 J. M. Webber Hardware
58 J. Reveridge Boots and Shoes
60 John Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 H. Arland Boots and shoes
64 J. & R. Kilgour Sewing Machines, Pianos
66 Murphy & Murray Grocers
68 D. A. Bogart Dentist
  M. A. Hess Photo
  J. H. Hogan Clothier

1874 – South Side

  W. H. Glassco &  Sons Latter
21 Harvey Stuart & Co. Wholesale Grocers
23 Bantin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Druggist
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
27 J. A. Skinner & Co. Crockery
29 James Walker Wholesale Dry Goods
31 D. Murphy & Co. Wholesale Grocers
33 J. Sanders & Co. Wholesale China
35 Macpherson & Smith Produce Ccommissioner  and Insurance Agent
35 S. E. Grogery  
  Bank of Hamilton  
  D. McInnes & Co.  
  McInnes Bros. & Co.  
  G. H. Furner Wholesale Millinery
  Hamilton Provident and Load Society

1875 – North Side

36 Joseph Lyght Bookseller
38 Grerar & Muir Barristers
  The P. Filgrano Dentist
  A. H. Mckenzie Photo
40 S. Taylor Restaurant
42 C. Black & Co. Hardware
44 Wood & Leggat  
46 M. Howles Stoves and Tinware
48 William Herman Fancy Goods
50 H.A. Wilson & Co. Druggist
52 Calderwood & Younge Boots and Shoes
54 Bowman & Moore Hardware
56 J. M. Webber Hardware
58 J. Beveridge Boots and Shoes
60 J. Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 H. Arland Boots and Shoes
64 J. & R. Kilgour Wholesale Music Instruments
66 Murphy & Murray  
68 D. A. Boyart Dentist
  M. A. Hess Photo
  J. H. Hogan Clothier

1875 – South Side

17 McGiverin & Co. Wholesale Carriage Hardware
19 Miss E.B. Harley Hair worker
19 Dominon Telegraph Office  
21 Harvey Stuart & Co. Wholesale Grocer
23 Buntin, Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationery
25 John Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
27 James A. Skinner & Co. Wholesale Crockery, Glassware
29 James Walker & Co. Wholesale Fancy Goods
31 D. Murphy & Co. Wholesale Crockery
35 Macpherson Smith Commission Merchant
35 S.E. Gregory  Commission Merchant
37 Bank of Hamilton  
  Furner, Livengstone & Co. Millinery and Straw Goods
  The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society
  D. McInnes & Co. Manufacturers of Can Goods
  McInnes Bros. & Co. Dry Goods

1876 – North Side

36 Joseph Lyght Bookseller
38 Grerar & Muir Barristers
  The P. Filgrano Dentist
  A. H. Mckanzie Photo
40 S. Taylor Restaurant
42 C. Black & Co. Hardware
44 Wood & Leggat  
46 M. Howles Stoves and Tinware
48 William Herman Fancy Ggoods
50 Dr. J. Nanan Druggist
52 Calderwood & Younge Boots and Shoes
54 Bowman & Moore Hardware
56 J. M. Webber Hardware
58 J. Beveridge Boots and Shoes
60 J. Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 H. Arland Boots and Shoes
64 J. & R. Kilgour Wholesale Music Instruments
66 Murphy & Murray  
68 D. A. Boyart Dentist
  M. A. Hess Photo
  J. H. Hogan Clothier

1876 – South Side

17 McGiverin & Co. Carriage Hardware
19 Miss W. B. Harley Hair
  Dominium Telegram Branch Office
21 Harvey Stuard & Co. Wholesale Grocer
23 Vacant  
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
27 J. A. Skinner & Co. Wholesale Crockery
29 Jas Walker & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods
31 D. Murphy & Co. Wholesale Grocers
33 J. Saundes & Co. Wholesale China
35 Macpherson & Smith Produce Commission Agents
  Dun Wiman & Co. Agency
  S. E. Gregory Insurance Agent
37 Bank of Hamilton  
  The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society
  D. McInnes & Co. Canadian Goods
  McInnes Bros & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods

1877 – North Side

36 Joseph Lyght Bookseller
38 Grerar & Muir Barristers
  The P. Filgrano Dentist
40 J. O’Neil Clothier
42 C. Black & Co. Hardware
44 Wood & Leggat  
46 M. A. Pennington & Co. Hardware
48 William Herman Fancy Goods
50 H. A. Wilson & Co. Druggist
52 Calderwood & Younge Boots and Shoes
54 Bowman & Moore Hardware
56 Winslow & Webber Hardware
58 J. Beveridge Boots and Shoes
60 J. Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 H. Arland & Bros. Boots and Shoes
64 J. & R. Kilgour Wholesale Music Instruments
66 Murphy & Murray  
68 D. A. Boyart Dentist
  M. A. Hess Photo
  J. H. Hogan Clothier

1877 – South Side

17 F. Mc Elderry Agnate
19 Vacant  
21 Harvey Stuart & Co. Wholesale Grocers
23 McElderry, Kennedy &Co. Wholesale China
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
27 Vacant  
29 J. Walker & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods
31 D. Murphy & Co. Wholesale Grocers
33 McPherson &  Co. Wholesale China
35 Jas Bancroft Insurance Agent
  William Leggo Barrister
  S. E. Gregory Insurance Agent
  R. Berner Agent
37 Bank of Hamilton  
  McInnes Bros. & Co. Importers
  The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society

1878 – North Side

36 Joseph Lyght Bookseller
38 Grerar & Muir Barristers
  The P. Filgrano Dentist
  H. A. Elderhin Photo
  Mrs. John R. Hincs  
40 J. O’Neil Clothier
  N. H. Virgina Barber
42 C. Black & Co. Hardware
44 Wood & Leggat  
46 M. A. Pennington & Co. Hardware
48 Calderwood & Younge Boots and Shoes
50 J. E. C. Can & Co. Druggist
52 William McCraken Hardware
54 Bowman & Moore Hardware
56 Winslow & Webber Hardware
58 J. Beveridge Boots and Shoes
60 J. Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 H. Arland & Bros. Boots and Shoes
64 J. & R. Kilgour Wholesale Music Instruments
66 Murphy & Murray  
68 D. A. Boyart Dentist
  M. A. Hess Photo
  J. H. Hogan Clothier

1878 - South Side

17 F. L. Hooper Insurance Agent
  Thos L. Wavell Accountant
19 Ennis & Stirton Printer
21 Stuart & McPherson Wholesale Grocer
23 McElderry, Kennedy & Co. Wholesale China
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
27 Levy Bros.  
29 J. Walker & Co. Fancy Goods
31 Vacant  
33 Mcpherson & Co. Wholesale Crockery
35 S. E. Gregory Commission Merchant
  R. Benner Insurance Agent
  McHillop & Co. Commission Agency
37 Bank of Hamilton  
  McInnes Bros. & Co. Importers
  The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society

1879 – South Side

17 F.L. Hooper Insurance Agent
  Thomas L. Wavel Accountant
  James Wylie Customs Broker
19 Ennis & Stirton Printers
  Harold Lambe Grocery Broker
21 Stuart & Mcpherson Wholesale Grocers
23 McElderry, Kennedy & Co. Wholesale China
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Drugs
27 Levy Bros.  
29 J Walker & Co.  
31 Vacant  
33 Mcpherson & Co. Wholesale Crockery
35 S. E. Gregory Commercial Merchant
  First Division Court  
  R. Benner Insurance Agent
  McKillop & Co. Commercial Agency
  John R. Holden Merchant
  Garrick Club  
  St. George’s Committee Room  
37 Bank of Hamilton  
  McInnes Bros. &  Co.  
  The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society

1880 – North Side

36 Vacant  
38 Crerar & Muir Barristers
  Boyd & Bezanson Photo
40 Vacant  
42 C. Black & Co. Hardware
44 Wood & Leggat Hardware
46 M. A. Pennington & Co. Oils Painting
48 R. Hopkin &  Son Boots and Shoes
50 R. G. Bredin Druggist
52 William H. McCracet Hardware
56 Winslow & Webber Hardware
58 J. Beveridge Boots and Shoes
60 J. Hennessy Boots and Shoes
62 H. Arland & Bros. Boots and Shoes
64 J.& R. Kilgour Pianos
66 Murphy & Murray Grocers
68 Miss Hess Photo
  C.A. Davis Dentist
  J. H. Hogan Clothier

1880 – South side

17 F. L. Hooper Insurance Agent
17 Thomas L. Wavel Official Assignee
19 John Sterton Printer
  Harold Lambe Grocery Broker
21 Stuart & Macpherson Wholesale Grocers
23 Vacant  
25 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
27 Levy Bros.  
29 J. Walker &  Co. Fancy Goods
31 Vacant  
33 Macpherson & Co. Wholesale Crockery
35 S. E. Gregory Commercial Merchant
35 First Division Court  
35 Culp & Anderson Wholesale Jewellers
37 Bank of Hamilton  
37 Furner, Livingston & Co. Millinery
37 D. McInnes & Co. Importers
37 The Hamilton Provident and Loan Society

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