1891 – North Side

43 Traders’ Bank  
45 J. Zimmerman Dentist
47 J. F. Shea Boots and Shoes
49 James Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co.  
55-57 McKay Bros. Dry Goods
59 Henry Blandford Gilder
61-3 Canada Glass House  
65 Bowman & Moore Hardware
67 James O’Brien Boots
69 George Gage Boots and Shoes
71-3 I. Pratt & Co. Boots
77 C. Israel Confectioner
79 John J. Watt Grocer
79 ½ Drs. R. J. and T. H. Husband Dentist
  K. W. Sander Photographer
81-3 W. J. Waugh Gents’ Furnisher

1891 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society
52 Vacant  
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
58-60 Levy Bros. Wholesale Jewellers
62 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 Manufactureres Life Insurance Co.  
64 George Bazzard Railroad Agent
64 Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
64 Hamilton Bicycle Club  
64 C. & F. P. Powis Accounts
64 Howell Litho & Co.  
64 Dixon Bros.  
68 F. H. Lamb Assignee
68 D. Clark Dentist
68 J. H. Herring Tea Broker
68 Walter Anderson Accountant
68 Advance Publishing Co.  
70 Empire Newspaper Office  
80 Post Office  

1892 – North Side

43 Trader’s Bank  
45 J. Zimmerman Dentist
47 J. F. Shea Boots and Shoes
49 James Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wool, Vallance & Co.  
55-7 McKay Bros. Dry Goods
59 Henry Blandford Gilder
61-3 Canada Glass House  
65 Bowman & Moore Hardware
67 James O’Brien Boots
71-3 D. B. Pratt & Co. Boots
77 Park & Montgomery Jewellers
79 John J. Watt Grocer
79 ½ Drs R. J. and T. H. Husband Dentist
  C. H. Hills Dentist
  K. W. Snider Photo
81-3 W. J. Waugh Gents Furnisher

1892 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Vacant  
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
58-60 Levy Bros. Wholesale Jewellers
62 Buntin, Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationery
64 Blackstock & Barns Real Estate
64 Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.  
64 George Bazzard Railroad Agent
64 Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
64 North American Life  
64 John Watt & Co. Real Estate
64 Hamilton Bicycle Club  
64 C. & F. A. Powis Accountant
64 Howell Litho Co.  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesaled fruiterers
68 F. H. Lamb Assignee
68 D. Clark Assignee
68 John Bell Agent
68 W. Anderson Accountant
70 Empire Newspaper Office  
80 Post Office  

1893 – North Side

43 Traders’ Bank  
45 S. Zimmerman Dentist
45 Richard Russell Manufacturers Jeweller
47 J. F. Shea Boots and Shoes
49 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co.  
55-7 McKay Bros. Dry Goods
59 Henry Blardford Gilder
61-3 Canad Glass House  
65 Bowman & Moore Hardware
67 Jas O’Brien Boots
69 John Grantham Boots
69 D. B. Pratt & Co. Boots
77 John A. Clark Druggist
79 E. J. O’Keete Boots
79 ½ Drs. Husband Dentist
  Fred Lyonae Photo
81-3 W. J. Waugh  

1893 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Ontario Express Co.  
54-6 J. Winer & Co.  
58-60 Levy Bros.  
62 Buntin, Gillies & Co.  
64 Blackstock & Burns Real Estate
64 W. R. Birely & Co. Customs
64 George Bazzard Rail Agent
64 Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
64 Hamilton Bicycle Club  
64 C. & F.A. Powis Accountants
64 George H. Cuttriss Engraver
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruiteres
68 F. H. Lamb Assignee
68 John Bell Agent
68 Walter Anderson Accountant
70 Empire Newspaper Office  
80 Post Office  
80 Hamilton Coffee and Spice Mills  

1894 – North Side

43 Traders’ Bank  
45 S. Zimmerman Dentist
45 Richard Russell Manufacturers Jeweller
47 J. F. Shea Boots and Shoes
49 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co.  
55-7 McKay Bros. Dry Goods
59 Henry Blardford Gilder
61-3 Canad Glass House  
65 Bowman &Moore Hardware
67 Robert Wilson Boots
69 E. A. Powell Boots
69 D. B. Pratt & Co. Boots
77 John A. Clark Druggist
79 E. J. O’keete Boots
79 ½ Drs. Husband Dentist
  Fred Lyonae Photo
81-3 W. J. Waugh  

1894 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Vacant  
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Druggist
58-60 Levy Bros. Wholesale Jewellers
62 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 AIC Powis Grocery Broker
64 Blackstock & Burns Real Estate
  Hamilton Bicycle Club  
  C. & F. A. Powis Accountants
  George H. Cultriss Engraver
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruiterers
68 F. H. Lamb Assignee
  John Bell Agent
  Walter Anderson Accountant
70 S. R. McIlroy Insurance
  M. H. McCulloch Custom Broker
80 Post Office  
80 Hamilton Coffee and Spice Mills  

1895 – North Side

43 Wilson Barr  
45 D. E. Russel  
  S. Zimmerman  
47 J. F. Shea  
49 J. Shea  
51-3 Wood Vallance  
55-7 McKay Bros.  
59 Henry Blandfird  
61-3 Canada Glass House  
65 Bowman and Moore  
67 Robert Wilson  
69 E. A. Powell  
71-3 D. B. Pratt & Co.  
77 John A. Clark  
79 Fred Lyonde  
79 ½ Drs Husband Denists
81-3 W. J. Waugh  

1895 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co.  
54-6 J. Winer & Co.  
58-60 Levy Bros.  
62 Buntin Gillies  
64 Blackstock & Burns  
  Alfred Powis  
  Hamilton Bicycle Club  
  F. A. Powis Accountants
68 F. H. Lambe  
  John Bell  
70 M. H. McCulloch  
  Empire News Office  
80 Post Office  
  Hamilton Coffee and Spice Mills  

1896 – North Side

43 Wilson Barr Druggist
45 A. H. Bennett Dentist
45 S. Zimmerman Dentist
  R. Russell Manufacturers Jeweller
  Mccabees’ Hall  
47 J. F. Shea Boots and Shoes
49 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co.  
55-7 McKay Bros. Dry Goods
59 Arts Emporium  
61-3 Canada Glass House  
65 Peter Bertram Hardware
67 Robert Wilson Boots
69 E. A. Powell Boots
71-3 D. B. Pratt & Co. Boots
77 John A. Clark  
79 Fred Lyonde Photo
79 ½ Drs Husband Dentist
81-3 W. J. Waugh Gents Furnisher

1896 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Cartage Agents
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
58-60 Levy Bros. Wholesale Jewellers
62 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  C. & F. A. Powis Accountants
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruiterers
68 F. H. Lambe Assignee
68 John Bell Agents
70 M. H. McCulloch Customs Broker
  S.R. Dunlop Insurance Agent
70 S. A. Findlay Insurance
80 Post Office  
  Hamilton Coffee and Spice Mills  

1897 – North Side

43 Wilson Barr Druggist
45 ½` A. H. Bennett Dentist
  Mrs. R. Catchpole Dressmaker
  R. Russell Manufacturers Jewellers
  Maccabees’ Hall  
47 J. F. Shea Boots and Shoes
49 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co.  
55-7 McKay Bros. Dry Goods
59 Artists’ Emporium  
61-3 Canada Glass House  
65 Peter Bertram Hardware
67 Robert Wilson Boots
69 E. A. Powell Boots
71-3 D. B. Pratt & Co. Boots
77 John A. Clark Druggist
79 J. A. C. Morrow Photo
  Drs Husband Dentist
81-3 W. J. Waugh Gents Furnisher

1897 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Cartage Agents
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
58-60 Levy Bros. Wholesale Jewellers
62 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  C. & F. A. Powis Accountants
  George Bazzard Railroad Agents
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruiterers
68 F. H. Lambe Assignee
68 John Bell Agents
70 M. H. McCulloch Customs Broker
  S.R. Dunlop Insurance Agent
70 S. A. Findlay Insurance
80 Post Office  
  Hamilton Coffee and Spice Mills  

1899 – North Side

43 John Murray Dry Goods
45 F. Hansel Dentist
45 Miss L. E. George Type Writer
  R. Russel Manufacturers Jewellers
  W. Symington  
  Mccabbees’ Hall  
47 J. Shea  
51-3 Wood Vallance  
55-7 McKay Bros.  
59 Artists’ Emporium  
61-3 Vacant  
65 F. Hamilton Hardware
67 Robert Wilson Boots
69 E. A. Powell  
71-3 D. B. Pratt & Co.  
77 John A. Clark  
79 J.A.C. Morrow  
  J. A. Simpson  
  M. E. Gillrie  
81-3 W. J. Waugh  

1899 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co.  
54-6 J. Winer & Co.  
58-60 Levy Bros.  
62 Buntin Gillies  
64 North American Life  
  John N. Lake Broker
  Alfred Powis  
  Chas C. Powis  
  Geo Bazzard  
  Dixon Bros.  
68 F. H. Lambe  
68 John Bell  
70 World Newspaper  
  Standard Mercentil Agency  
  R. Dunlop  
80 Post Office  

1900 – North Side

43 John Murray  
45 F. Hensel  
  William Symington  
  Maccabees Hall  
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co.  
55-7 McKay Bros.  
59 Artists Emporium  
  J. R. Sedicy  
61-3 J. A. Carpenter & Co.  
65 F. Hamilton Hardware
67 Robert Wilson  
69 A. Powell Boots
71-3 Vacant  
77 John A. Clark  
79 W. W. Alton  
81-3 W. J. Waugh  

1900 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident Loan Society  
52 Hendie Co. Cartage Agents
44-6 J. Winer & Co.  
58-60 The Levy Bros.  
62 Buntin, Gillies & Co.  
64 North American Life  
  Alfred Powid  
  Chas C. Powis  
  George Bazzard  
  Dixon Bros.  
68 F. H. Lambe  
  John Bell  
70 Vacant  
80 Post Office  

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