1901 – North Side

43-5 Murray John  
45 ˝ Hanset &Van Kuzer Dentist
47-9 James Shea Dry goods
51-53 Wood Vallance  
55-7 R. McKay & Co.  
59 J.R. Thompson  
61-3 F.A. Carpents & Co. Hardware
65 Fred Hamilton Hardware
67 Robert Wilson  
69 Powell  
71 Haintsman &Co.  
73 Harmmell & Co.  
77 John Clark  
79 J.A.C. Morrow  
81-3 William Waugh  
81 Vacant  

1901 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
  John Payne Caretakers
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage
58-60 Levy Bros. Co.  
62 Brentin Gillies  
64 North American Life Association Co.  
66 Dixon Bros.  
68 Fred Lamb  
  John Bell  
  Ontario Association Insurance Co.  
70 Co-operative Cycle and Motor Co.  
80-84 Post Office  

1902 – North Side

43 J. Murray Furnisher
45 Alex H. Moore Real Estate
  Hansel & Van Duzer Dentists
  William Richardson  
  International Correspondence School  
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-7 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
59 Artists’ Emporium  
59 J. R. Seavey Artist
61-3 F. A. Carpenter & Co. Hardware
65 F. Hamilton Hardware
67 Robert Wilson Boots
70 Heintzman & Co. Pianos
73 Hammell’s Confectioner
77 John A. Clark  
79 J.A.C. Morrow Photo
  W.W. Alton Dentist
81-3 W. J. Waugh Gents’ Furnisher

1902 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd.  Cartage Agent
54-6 J. Winer a& Co. Wholesale Druggist
58-60 The Levy Bros. Co. Ltd.  
62 Buntin, Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 Trade Chambers  
  North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Vacant  
70 F. H. Lamb Assignee
  John Bell Agent
80 Post Office  

1903 – North Side

43 Vacant  
45 Alex H. Moore Real Estate
  F. Hansel Dentist
  William Richardson  
  International Correspondence School  
  George H. Lamgan Book Binder
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-7 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
59 Artists Emporium  
59 J. R. Seavey Artist
61-3 F. A. Carpenter & Co. Ltd. Hardware
65 F. Hamilton Hardware
67 Robert Wilson Boots
69 Edward A. Powell Boots
71 Heintzman & Co. Pianos
73 Finm & Simon Bros. Jewellers
77 John A. Clerk Druggist
79 J.A.C. Morrow Photo
79 ˝ W. W. Alton Dentist
81-3 W. J. Waugh Gents Furnishings

1903 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage Agent
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Wholesale Druggist
58-60 The Levy Bros. Co. Ltd.  
62 Buntin, Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 Trade Chambers  
  North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  St. Patrick’s Club  
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
  National Life  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Vacant  
70 F. H. Lamb Assignee
  John Bell Agent
80 Post Office  

1904 – North Side

43 Boston Lunch  
45 Alex H. Moore Real Estate
45 F. Hunsel Dentist
  William Richardon  
  International Correspondence School  
  George H. Lanigan Bookbinder
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-9 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
61-63 Vacant  
65 F. Hamilton Hardware
67 Robert Wilson Boots
69 E.A. Powell Boots
71 Heintzman & Co.  
73 J. Harris Shoes
77 J. A. Clark Dry Goods
79 J.A.C. Morrow Photo
79 ˝ W.W. Alton Dentist
  G.B. Dukett Optician
81-3 W. J. Waugh Men’s Furnisher

1904 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage Agent
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Ltd. Wholesale Drugs
58-60 The Levy Bros. Co.  
62 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 Trade Chamber  
  North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
  St. Patrick’s Club  
  R. E. Kinsman  
  T. B. Darling Broker
  Estate Limited  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Artists’ Emporium  
70 H. R. Seavey Artist
70 F. H. Lamb Asignee
  John Bell  
80 Post Office  

1905 – North Side

43 Boston Lunch  
45 F. Hansel Dentist
  International Correspondence School  
  Alen H. Moore Real Estate
  George H. Lanigan Bookbinder
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood and Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-63 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
65 F. Hamilton Co. Ltd. Hardware
67 Singer Manufacture Co.  
69 Ed A. Powell Boots
71 Heintzman & Co.  
73 Robert Wilson  
77 G. R. Anderson  
79 J.A.C. Morrow Photo
  W.W. Alton Dentist
  G.W. Everelt Dentist
  G. B. Dukett Optician
81-3 W. J. Waugh Mens’ Furnishers

1905 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage Agent
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Ltd. Wholesale Drugs
58-60 The Levy Bros. Co.  
62 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 Trade Chamber  
  North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
  St. Patrick’s Club  
  R. E. Kinsman  
  T. B. Darling Broker
  W. Symington Broker
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Artists’ Emporium  
70 H. R. Seavey Artist
70 F. H. Lamb Assignee
  John Bell  
80 Post Office  

1906 – North Side

43 Boston Lunch  
45 F. Hansel Dentist
  International Correspondence School  
  Alen H. Moore Real Estate
  George H. Lanigan Bookbinder
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood and Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-63 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
65 F. Hamilton Co. Ltd. Hardware
67 Singer Sewing Manufacturer Co.  
69 Ed A. Powell Boots
71 Heintzman & Co.  
73 Robert Wilson  
77 R. Parker & Co.  
79 J.A.C. Morrow Photo
  H. D. Robertson Dentist
  G. B. Dukett Optician
81-3 W. J. Waugh Mens’ Furnishers

1906 –South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage Agents
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Drugs
58-60 The Levy Bros.  
62 Buntin Gillies & Co. Wholesale Stationers
64 Trade Chambers  
  North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
  St. Patrick’s Club  
  R. E. Kingsman Lamber
  T. B. Darling Broker
  W. Symington Broker
  Climax Road Mach Co.  
  Business Allience Agency  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Artists’ Emporium  
70 J. R. Seavey Artist
70 F. H. Lamb  
  John Bell Agent
80 Post Office  

1907 – North Side

43 Boston Lunch  
45 F. Hansel Dentist
  International Correspondence School  
  Alen H. Moore Real Estate
  Wibber & Morley Show Cards
  George H. Lanigan Bookbinder
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood and Vallance and Co Hardware
55-63 R. McKay &Co. Dry Goods
65 F. Hamilton Co. Ltd. Hardware
67 Singer Sewing Manufacturer Co.  
69 Ed. A. Powell Boots
71 Heintzman & Co.  
73 Robert Wilson  
77 R. Parker & Co.  
79 P. Christopher Confectionery
  H. A. Robertson Dentist
79 J.A.C. Morrow Photo
  G. B. Dukett Optician
81-3 W. J. Waugh Mens’ Furnishers

1907 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage Agents
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Drugs
58-60 The Levy Bros.  
62 Vacant  
64 Trade Chambers  
  North American Life  
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
  William Strong Real Estate
  T. B. Darling Broker
  W. Symington Broker
  Climax Road Mach Co.  
  Business Allience Agency  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Artists’ Emporium  
70 J. R. Seavey Artist  
70 F. H. Lamb  
  John Bell Agent
80 Post Office  

1908 – North Side

43 Boston Lunch  
45 F. Hansel Dentist
  International Correspondence School  
  Alen H. Moore Real Estate
  Wibber & Morley Show Cards
  George H. Lanigan Bookbinder
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood and Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-63 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
65 Alexander Hardware Co.  
67 Singer Sewing Manufacturer Co.  
69 Vacant  
71 Heintzman & Co.  
73 Robert Wilson  
77 R. Parker & Co.  
79 P. Christopher Confectionery
  H. A. Robertson Dentist
79 J.A.C. Morrow Photo
  G. B. Dukett Optician
81-3 W. J. Waugh Mens’ Furnishers

1908 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage Agents
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Drugs
58-60 The Levy Bros.
62 Vacant
64 Trade Chambers
Smith Runciman Co. Wholesale Manufacturing
Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
The E. B. Eddy Co.
William Strong Real Estate
W. Symington Broker
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Artists’ Emporium
70 J. R. Seavey Artist
70 F. H. Lamb
John Bell Agent
80 Post Office

1909 – North Side

43 Scherrer’s Lunch  
45 F. Hansel Dentist
  International Correspondence School  
  Alen H. Moore Real Estate
  Wibber & Morley Show Cards
  George H. Lanigan Bookbinder
47 J.  Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood and Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-63 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
65 Alexander Hardware Co.  
67 Vacant  
69 Crystal Café  
71 Heintzman & Co.  
73 Robert Wilson  
77 R. Parker & Co.  
79 P. Christopher Confectionery
  H. A. Robertson Dentist
  R. G. Harkness Photo
81-3 W. J. Waugh Mens’ Furnishers

1909 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co Ltd. Cartage Agents
54-6 J. Winer & Co. Drugs
58-60 The Levy Bros.  
62 Robert Junor China
64 Trade Chambers  
  Smith Runciman Co. Wholesale Manufacturing
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
  Royal Order of Moose  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Artists’ Emporium  
70 F. H. Lamb  
  John Bell Agent
80 Post Office  

1910 – North Side

43 Scherrer’s Lunch  
45 F. Hansel Dentist
  International Correspondence School  
  Alen H. Moore Real Estate
  Wibber & Morley Show Cards
  George H. Lanigan Bookbinder
47 J. Shea Dry Goods
51-3 Wood and Vallance & Co. Hardware
55-63 R. McKay & Co. Dry Goods
65 Alexander Hardware Co.  
67 Royal Shoe Store  
69 Crystal Café  
71 Heintzman & Co.  
73 Robert Wilson  
77 R. Parker & Co.  
79 P. Christopher Confectionery
  H. A. Robertson Dentist
  R. G. Harkness Photo
81-3 W. J. Waugh Mens’ Furnishers

1910 – South Side

46-8 Hamilton Provident and Loan Society  
52 Hendrie & Co. Ltd. Cartage Agents
54-6 Vacant  
58-60 The Levy Bros.  
62 Robert Junor China
64 Trade Chambers  
  Smith Runciman Co. Wholesale Manufacturing
  Alfred Powis Grocery Broker
  The E. B. Eddy Co.  
  St. Patricks Club  
66 Dixon Bros. Wholesale Fruit
68 Artists’ Emporium  
70 F. H. Lamb  
  John Bell Agent
80 Post Office  

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