1872 – North Side

2 Donald Smith Merchant Tailor
4 LawSon Bros. Dry Goods, Clothing, etc
6 T. Bickle & Son Wholesale and Retail Druggists
8 Egan & Jeffery Gents Furnishings, Hatters, etc
8 ½ Edward Thomas Dentist
10 W.T. Ecclestone Confectioner
12 T.B. Steward Goldsmith’s Hall
14 Lyman Moore & Brierly Druggists
16 John Eastwood & Co. Booksellers
18 A. Murray & Co. Dry Goods and Millinery
20 James RobertSon Dry Goods
22 YMCA  
24 Munro & HenderSon Merchant Tailors
26 John C. Mahoney Boots and Shoes
28 W.H. Glassco & Sons Hats and Furs
30 Stanbury & Co. Dry Goods and Millinery
32 Gillard & Crawford Dry Goods and Millinery
34 Holbrook & Stark Druggists

1872 – South Side

1 Brown, Gillespie and Co. Wholesale Grocers
3 W. Boice & Co. Importers of Foreign and Domestic Clothes
3 John Boice & Co. Importers of Fancy Goods
5 Bank of British North America  
7 Kerr, Brown & Mackenzie Wholesale Importers
9 Mackenzie & Mackay Flax and Wool Brokers
11 John Harvey Wool and Commission Merchant
13 JH Davis & Co. Wool and Commission Merchant
15 Canadian Bank of Commerce  

1876 – North Side

2 D. Smith Merchant Tailor
4 T.H. Bartindale & Co.  
6 Garland & Rutherford Druggists
8 S.G. Treble Gents' furnishings
8 ½ J.G. Sinclaire Dentist
10 W.T. Ecclestone Confectioner
12 T.B. Steward Watchmaker
14 Richard Brierly Druggist
14 ½ W. Bruce Patent Agent
16 J. Eastwood & Co. Book Sellers
18 A. Murray & Co. Dry  Goods
22 YMCA  
24 Woom & Granger Tailors
26 J.C. Mahoney Boots and Shoes
28 W.H. Glassco & Sons Hatters
30 A.R. Leask & Co. Dry Goods
32 J. Gillard & Co. Dry Goods
34 Blaicher & Holbeck Drugs

1876 – South side

1 Brown, Routh & Co. Wholesale Grocers
3 James Bancroft Insurance Agent
5 Bank of British North America  
7 T.C. Kerr & Co.  
9 Vacant  
11 W.H. Glassco & Sons Wholesale Hats and Caps
13 T. Bickle & Son Wholesale  Druggist
15 Canadian Bank of Commerce  

1877 – North side

2 D. Smith Merchant Tailor
4 Eaton & Co. Dry Goods
6 Garland & Rutherford Druggists
8 S.G. Treble Men’s Furnishings
8 ½ J.G. Sinclair Dentist
10 W.T. Ecclestone Confectioner
12 Goldsmith’s Hall  
14 Richard Brierely Druggist
14 ½ W. Bruce Patent Agent
16 J. Eastwood & Co. Book Sellers
18 A. Murray & Co. Dry Goods
20 J. RobertSon Dry Goods
22 YMCA  
24 A.R. Leask & Co. Dry Goods
26 J.C. Mahoney Boots and Shoes
28 Acres & Blain Hatters
30 – 32 J.C. Watkins Dry Goods
34 Blaicher & Hollbrook Drugs

1877 – South Side

1 Brown, Routh & Co. Wholesale Grocers
3 R. Service & Co. Woolens
5 Bank of British North America  
7 T.C. Kerr & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods
9 J.A. Skinner & Co. Crockery
11 W.H. Glassco & Sons Wholesale Hats and caps
13 T. Bickle & Son Wholesale druggists
15 Canadian Bank of Commerce  

1878 – North Side

2 D. Smith Tailor
4 James Eaton & Co. Dry Goods
8 S.G. Treble Gents’ Furnishings
8 ½ C.S. Chittenden Dentist
10 W.T. Ecclestone Confectioner
12 A.W. Gage Watches
14 Richard Brierly Druggist
14 ½ W. Bruce Patent Agent
16 J. Eastwood & Co. Books
18 A. Murray & Co. Dry Goods
20 James RobertSon Dry Goods
22 YMCA  
24 A.R. Leask & Co. Dry Goods
26 J.C. Mahoney Boots and Shoes
28 Acres & Blain Fur
30 George Rodwell Engraver
30-32 John J. Kirkness Photographer
30-32 T.C. Watkins Dry Goods
34 John A. Clarke Druggist

1878 – South Side

1 Brown, Routh & Co. Wholesale Grocers
3 R. Service & Co. Woolens
5 Bank of British North America  
7 T.C. Kerr & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods
9 J.A. Skinner & Co. Crockery
11 Glassco & Sons Hats
13 T. Bickle & Son Wholesale Druggists
15 Canadian Bank of Commerce  

1879 – North Side

2 D. Smith Tailor
4 A.R. Leask & Co. Dry Goods
6 Garland & Rutherford Drugs
8 S.G. Treble  
8 ½ C.S. Chittenden Dentist
10 W.T. Ecclestone Confectioner
12 A.W. Gage Watches
14 Richard Brierly Druggist
14 ½ W. Bruce Patent Agent
16 J. Eastwood & Co. Books
18 A. Murray & Co. Dry Goods
20 J. RobertSon Dry Goods
22 YMCA  
34 R.P. Leask Gents' Furnishings

1879 – South Side

1 Brown, Routh & Co. Wholesale Grocers
3 R. Service & Co. Woolens
5 Bank of British North America  
7 T.C. Kerr & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods
9 J.A. Skinner & Co. Crockery
11 Glassco & Sons Hats
13 T. Bickle & Son Wholesale druggists
15 Canadian Bank of Commerce  

1880 – North Side

2 D. Smith Tailor
4 A.R. Leask & Co. Dry Goods
6 Garland & Rutherford Drugs
8 S.G. Treble Gents' Furnishings
8 ½ C.S. Chittenden dentist
10 W.T. Ecclestone Confectioner
12 A.W. Gage Watches
14 Richard Brierly Druggist
14 ½ W. Bruce Patent Agent
16 J. Eastwood & Co. Dry Goods
18 A. Murray & Co. Dry Goods
20 J. RobertSon Dry Goods
22 YMCA  
24 R.P. Leask Gents’ Furnishings
26 J.C. Mahoney Boots and Shoes
28 Farley & Oliver Boots and Shoes
30 Leith & Hills Architects
30 – 32 T.C. Watkins Dry Goods
34 John A. Clark Druggist

1880 – North Side

1 Brown, Routh & Co. Wholesale Grocers
3 R. Service & Co. Woolens
5 Bank of British North America  
7 T.C. Kerr & Co. Wholesale Dry Goods
9 J.A. Skinner & Co. Crockery
11 W.H. Glassco & Sons Hats
13 T. Bickle & Son Wholesale Druggist
15 Canadian Bank of Commerce  

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